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Thanks for the comments and messages regarding my art block, I read em all and felt a little less guilty lol, was just frustrated at that point but getting my senses back for comic making I think,  so yeah throat scubby on the way = w =;



Diego P

Woooo baby!


Suddenly cock-tail



Kawaii Neko

It’s understandable to have a road block. ❤️ It happened to everyone.


I feel ya Toki. Sometimes we just need to give our mind a rest. The mind is like water. When it’s turbulent it’s hard to see, when it’s calm everything becomes clear.


I can't begin to tell you how absolutely dead in terms of motivation and creativity this quarantine has made me. I totally know how you're feeling. Also I feel like you could make a whole ass comic universe here. Ofc, it's always up to you what you want to do, but like I feel like the FWB, OTTB, and Party Favors could totally all tie into each other. As much as I love good smut, I also love a good story and character development. Idk what you're planning, but I'm excited for more toki no matter what :d




He he...you said throat scrubby.

Ramona Wanders

That is a very hot set of images... 😍 Good to hear that things are getting better Toki, take all the time you need. We're here for your art, not a strict schedule. Your mental health is far more important in the long term.