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Incase you didn't see these on my socials imma post the full but watermarked Detour comic here, If we can release the full Hardblush art in the future i'll update with those uvU



Diego P

NICE!! Thank you, Toki!! will you be le to share more of your older comics like this?


i never actually saw the ending to this comic long ago so it is nice to see it conclude, with the possibility of a part 2


Bless you Toki!! I hadn’t seen the ending either, before now, so I’m glad you posted it!


Tysm Toki! Love you you're the best! 🥰


Why does it have to be so cute at the end?! 😭😭 Though I pity the poor boy- one of them could have given him a little hand!


Tysm Tokiii!! I love your work so much


So this is where I gotta ask, what exactly does HB offer? Aside from exclusive comics? Because I'm already here. Why does HB still exist? Is the 17.99/mo really hiding something quite enticing? Is there some hidden gated community that's like a 24/7 rave? Cause I've always wondered where you go to interact with people. To be brutally honest, I'm not trying to sneer at the idea, but this literally is a pay gated comic from 2016 and it shows. It lacks any of the power of your later comics. I know there's the artistic pool divvied up like a pirate payroll of yore, but even that seems redundant these days with the rise of patronage such as this. It feels like a statistical given that every HB contributor that remains at this point, also has a wildly successful personal patronage. Which asks the question as to the matter of how that works out? My understanding is that to remain on the HB roster, you have to make so many posts a month, which seems like it'd be pretty damn soul draining if you're suffering burnout, just knowing that a large amount of your audience will never see that content. Maybe this is why you've made the policy change. Regardless, have a wonderful year, and thanks for posting.

Botanic Furry

I've subscribed to HB for a month once. The comics on there are quite nice, but get leaked just as often as new ones are posted on there. The quality very much varies, and depending on your personal taste, none of it may suit you. For the price they ask of its consumers its quite risky and it may be better to just support one artist you really enjoy directly rather than indirectly over HB. There is value to be found on that site, but if you lack the funds, better just directly support whichever artist you enjoy.


I love the part where he goes "Maaaaan fuck you, fuck this, fuck that, and fuck them shoes yourr wearring..blah blah" XD


I still enjoy my HB subscription. I like having easy access to my favourite comics, and *most* of the artists have kept things cute and femmy. Kind of like listening to the radio, I never know what's coming up next, and I like supporting fresh talent without managing a bunch of pledges. It's not perfect, and the community used to be a little more active (I'm still grumpy about them getting rid of the "recent comments" box on the homepage, but whatever); but overall I think there's still a place for the website.

publius (the reader)

Thanks! This reminds me, did you ever post the compilated "Some Things Never Change" here? I was searching for it but didn't find it.


😝😜😘😘😘😍 Im glad to see oldie works bein posted. Looking forward see more of them. All Toki's works should be to published in paperback or sorts then I shall have them added to my private library. I would buy them if there were any chance of them printed into hardcopy. I have data files, ones from download here but that's not same, haha.


I understand the criticism, guess it's now for more 'up and coming' artists, just like it was when i was relatively new to the fandom o3O Nice to support the comics /series of those artists once in a while


Ah, I see. But how can you find out who is "Up and Coming", if it's all behind a paywall?