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Hey hey! Launching my first personal print campaign~ uvU If you're interested in a hard copy of the original OTB comic, have a look! ovO

One of the perks include's your very own huggable Milo pillow~ < w < 

Updated with shades~

 *Update 3* Funded! Also Well shit, I vastly underestimated how many people would want a huggable Milo! My apologies o v O;
I've duplicated the tier so hopefully I can cover enough dakis for this round of funding oAO;; 

*update 5*

 After liaising with printers, made very slight adjustments to the art and had to make it darker for the print, hopefully it's not too noticeably different o3O; Also got a preview of the keychains! Wook at it! >w < 

*update 6*

 Aaaaand all done! Thanks again for all your support~ Me and @Hollowmein_ gonna work our butts off to get everything fullfilled ( ಥ⌣ಥ )9 


Outside The Box CH.1 Print Campaign!

Physical Print of my comic: Outside the Box! (18+) | Check out 'Outside The Box CH.1 Print Campaign!' on Indiegogo.



What happens if you pay but the required amount isnt met in time?


I need dis D:


OMG I NEED THIS I'm so glad you're making this &gt;w&lt; (if only the daki was Adrian, Milo is super cute but I totally have a crush on Adrian xD)


Are there any of the 140$ perks left?


Lol yes there are, if i sells out early i'll add in some more slots oxO;


OH I didn't realize the page scrolled sideways, my bad &gt;∆&lt;


Do you know what material the daki will printed on? o.o


wow that great!


Is that already the finished Milo design or will you still do a bit more with it?


At some point we need Milo and Adrian figurines. I'm sure everyone on this patreon would willingly pay a fortune for that.


Sad when you're living in your family home TwT


Needs shading and sheet BG but wanted to show a WIP of it first ovO


Just a question, are you planning on selling the milo pillows at any other time in the future? Id love to have one but i live with my family and "privacy" is hard to come by. Eventually I'll be somewhere else but id hate to miss this just because i can't keep it anywhere


I do want sell them on their own afterwards so if anything you can reserve one when you can an have it sent to your own place later o3o


da pillo......imma fuk it XD


Love this, just reserved a pillow! Can't wait to get it, best winter gift ever! :3


Noo everything is taken and I had to save up to reserve one but when I got most of it saved up it’s non left (*´ー`*)


Is it possible to get one of these now?


Everything is available except the hard cover books, we have soft cover ones now o3o