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Winner by the spinner!


Hokay if anyone knows another wheel generator that can take more than 50 names at a time plz lemme know as I had to split the list in 3 for October ovO;

2 winners this month and back with 2 Bonus winners !

It stopped on elize w then Reasine Selta! and then Super Tiger and DaxDeer Congrats!
To you guys who've won please respond within 10 days to the email!

Also one of these a month for Super Supporters! If you've been my patreon for a long ass time and in the $500+ club you're on me list buddeh!

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This month's is: Holland!




It's not exactly a spinning wheel, but I made <a href="https://patreonraffle.app" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreonraffle.app</a> specifically for situations like this Lemme know what you think and what changes you'd like to see on it, could be pretty useful for many patreon users hopefully


Oh yeah! you were working on this, I could prolly try it out for the end of this month and try to make it look flashier somehow lol, thank for the suggestion~ ; w ;


how do people get on this list?


I went to your page to see what a Super Supporter was, but didn't see any tiers with that title. Is it ""I'm feeling lucky" Monthly random gift!" $8 tier, or something else?


Oh !A super suppoter is someone's who's been around long enough to pledge 500 and up, I make giftart for one of them every month =3


Ah okay, so the tier doesn't matter, just the accumulated amount.