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Setting it up now and everything seems to be working fine, just solving the issue of my cursor not lining up with sai for some reason lol, double update will be soon and files from May, also I did 1 update last month so there's no poll for May, i'll just be posting the prev winning entries uvU

Thanks again for the patience! x  w  X;;



Toki are you sure this isn't a drivers issue? Bc Wacom latest updates glitched badly for those users with dual monitors


yay cant wait for more sexiness


nah it seems to work with other programs with my extended display ,the problem seems to be in my licensed sai, the buttons work but the canvas in un-aligned,same for sai2, so far i discovered the alignment works in trial mode without pressure sensitivity tho, i'll try re downloading my licence and see . u .


Mmh I understand, bc I happen to had this issue too and it only worked when I downgraded the drivers, good luck and hope you can fin the solution to this issue!


You have a point there, I had to download the driver cuz i didn't have a disc drive for the cd it came with o,O I may try that later, for now i'll just take off my second monitor so I can get sai to work properly x w X;;


oh dam son it was the new driver messing up lol, thanks for the suggestion ; A ;


Wow it looks like Wacom really glitched this time! Glad you could fix it! Those things are stressful dang D: