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Hey y'all, just wanted to pop in and say, first and foremost, thanks again for the support! I am really liking how the request tier ha rolled out and so far all of the ideas I have seen in there have been awesome!

Just a couple things:

  • The Request form is currently empty!
    I'm not saying this to beg for more ideas or for more people to join the tier. I am perfectly satisfied with whatever tier anyone is able to join at and I am honored by anyone giving my renders any amount of support, I just wanted to let folks know because (as I have since found out) there isn't really an easy way to let folks know their idea has been rejected through Google Forms. At least to my knowledge. So, If you submitted an idea to the form and have been waiting on it, it probably isn't going to happen. I promise though, a request getting rejected isn't any sort of reflection on whoever submitted it or the quality of the idea. Sometimes I'm just not feeling it for one way or another, or I tried to make it and the posing/lighting/whatever just wasn't working out in a way that I was satisfied with. For the most part, if you submit a request and don't see it made within a couple weeks, it probably won't be made. That's why the form is open to take literally as many Ideas as you can come up with!

  • (Some) Spam is OK!
    As mentioned in the form, spamming the same idea over and over is discouraged, however, if you have just a bunch of different ideas, throw them all at me! They don't even have to be super detailed, it could be as simple as "_____ but make 'em big" and I can run with that. More detailed requests may be more likely to be chosen, but I accept literally any and all ideas (as long as they don't violate any sort of TOS). I have the list of characters I have available to me linked in the form and on my Tumblr, but if you have an idea for a character that isn't on the list that you know is ported to Daz Studio, send it in! It might happen!
    TL;DR - Don't be shy with requests, the form is meant to be a wall to throw stuff at until something sticks.

  • Please contact me if you have any issues!
    This is my first time running a Patreon and a request form, so I might mess something up or communication might not be where it needs to be. If you support me at the Chocolate tier and can't find your benefits or something just isn't working, please let me know so I can try and help!
    As a reminder, the form is accessible through THIS POST and is also located in the "Forms" collection on my page, it'll always be easily accessible through there.

Once again a massive thank you to everyone who has supported me thus far, I'm cooking up some GOOD stuff for April, see you then :)

- Baked Alaska Bigs



I’ve left one for you