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Hello guys! Firstly, this wasn't the main post going up but I ended up overwriting (of course) and I did not want the day to pass without something! so I'm posting the suggestion that was made in my suggestion post which is the Rowan POV for the vending machine scene. 

This is pretty hefty at 7k words so I hope you like it!

Once I finish with the next main piece of content, it'll go up in the next day or two <3 




"A vibe. The only vibes he gives off is misery. Lauren's idea of romantic tension is very off." Truer words have never been spoken about this particular hot mess of a lead singer. They really feel like best friends.


ohh HE WAS GONNA DO IT TOO??! well if anyone needs me I will be off carrying this torch


drops to my knees sobbing on the ground after this— so sad my bby isnt an ro but fully love him as a bff


I felt so bad for Rowan cos I was truly not mad at him at all. All that for nothing. Poor boy 😭

monke bomber

God I love him, fuck seven man Rowan is my OG fr