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@ band from McRowanShipper666: are you all prepared to BRING IT at the first BOTB show knowing that the world will be watching closely after the cheating rumors???

The band takes a moment to think about the question, sharing subtle glances that could easily be missed if not for the cameras zooming in on their expressions.

Devyn: We’re going to do what we’ve always done and try our best. The cheating allegations are just that: allegations.

Producer: Standard PR answer.

Devyn frowns.

Iris: It’s the truth.

@Rowan from WinterFanatic69: Why do you wear that hat all the time? What secrets are you hiding? Suspicious....

Rowan cackles out a laugh and puts his hands to his head.

Rowan: It just looks good on me okay!?

Iris: I really hope you wash that thing.

Rowan: I DO.

Iris snorts out a laugh. 

Iris: I highly doubt it.

@seven, what’s your pre-show ritual? do you do anything special to prepare?

Pope: Seven sits alone and doesn’t move for a good five minutes. It’s so creepy.

Seven: That’s not true.

Seven looks smug.

Seven: It’s called getting into the zone.

Avina laughs, nudging them. 

Avina: Don’t you like to write in your journal?

Seven: It’s a good way to organize my thoughts before getting on stage.

Kieran: Booooring.

Seven looks like they're trying not to smile. 

Seven: Sorry I’m not interesting enough.

Producer: You are plenty interesting.

Producer: Trust me.

@Seven from McX7EndGame: Everybody's been calling you a wet cat lately but do you even like cats or are you more of a dog person?

Avina: What does that username mean?

Seven: Ignore it.

Producer: Answer the question.

Seven: I like dogs. I don’t know what wet cat means.

Kieran: It’s an internet thing. You wouldn’t know, you’re like an old person.

Seven: The internet gives me a headache.

Pope: Point proven…

The camera cuts to Orion, who heaves a sigh when he grabs another question. 

[Orions titties. How big.]


Orion: There are moments where I ask myself what I did to end up here.

Orion: This is one of those moments.

He refuses to answer, and simply dives for another. 

Orion, were you really that in love with mc that you had to quit your job and follow them like a puppy?

Orion lifts the slip and laughs.

Orion: This is funny.

He tosses it behind him. That’s that.

@Iris & Devyn how did you both meet/ who took the plunge first to ask the other out??

Iris: We met in school.

Devyn: Right. Nothing too spectacular but—

Iris: It felt that way. I took the plunge first, but I knew Devyn liked me. She made it so obvious.

Rowan: So obvious.

Rowan playfully groans. 

Rowan: They were torturing us with their longing looks and whining over Iris when she wasn't around. I wanted to scream. 

MC nudges Iris with a grin. 

MC: I’m surprised you didn’t notice it earlier than you did.

Devyn: Please.

Devyn puts her hands on their cheeks. 

Devyn: I was just too shy.

Iris: Which made me like you more.

Rowan: Ugh. Gross. 

August manages a small smile.

August: Too bad I missed it.

Iris: Trust me. You didn't miss much.

@7: How does your mom feel about your new band mates? Is she close with Avina? Does she miss your old ones?

Seven: She likes them, but then again she likes everyone.

Kieran: We’ve barely talked to your mom.

Seven: That’s on purpose.

Avina looks bored while Pope rolls his eyes. Seven looks vaguely amused, but there’s a hint of something greater in their gaze. Something like discomfort.

Avina: When am I going to meet your mom?

Seven looks at them, shrugging.

Seven: I…

Seven: Is that something you’ve been waiting for?

Kieran: We’ve all been waiting for it.

Seven: Seriously?

Pope: Yeah. Are you ashamed of us, Sev?

Pope tries to poke Seven’s rib, but they move out of the way with a huff.

Seven: I keep my work life separate nowadays.

Producer: Bad past experiences?

Seven snorts out a bitter laugh.

Seven: Maybe so.

@Victoria: where do you see your career evolving as an actress? Do you have aspirations for various accolades or roles?

Victoria looks pleased by the question, and she takes a moment to think.

Victoria: I want to do more lead roles and more that are serious. It would be nice to get rewarded, but I’d prefer roles that withstand time and become something people look back on as a defining moment in cinema. I have…a role that I’m eyeing but I can’t say anything beyond that.

Victoria - so sad you’re not in any new movies recently!! i love you, my wife *cue kisses* (g reign who???) is there are reason why? or are you a on small break?

She looks briefly uncomfortable.

Victoria: I’m just focusing on supporting G. I chose this. I love all of my fans but…I need to make time for my relationship.

Her voice is firm, but her eyes dart around the room as if she’s unsure of what she’s saying.

Victoria: Next question.

@vic which band is your favorite from this season of BoTB, is there one in particular you're rooting for?

Victoria: Oh!

She waves a finger with a grin.

Victoria: I love Jenna and The Jewels.

Victoria: I’ve been getting into them since starting the show. I really like them.

Producer: No one else?

Victoria: Well.

She laughs nervously.

Victoria: They’re all great bands.

Producer: You seem to be holding back.

Victoria shrugs, appearing nervous.

Victoria: I just don’t want to say anything that’ll be used against me.

@7 why is your music writing method/philosophy better than everyone else's?

Seven: I don’t think it’s better than anyone’s. I mean, I feel like I do take an honest approach that other people may not.

Producer: Do you think being so honest in your music is a detriment?

Seven: Sometimes.

Seven: Sometimes it feels like people think they know me.

Seven: I don’t think they do.

@August - your parents are politicians right? how do they feel about you choosing to join a band and follow the music scene instead of in their footsteps? (btw youre so hot smack me like your drums pls!!)

August thinks about it, their face twisting.

August: They’re…okay with it.

Producer: Just okay?

August shrugs and looks back at the question, changing the subject.

August: Um. They know being in politics... it just isn't my thing so..

They drop the slip.

August: That’s it.

Rowan: You forgot the second part.

August shoots him a look and Rowan grins. Iris snickers and reads it, making August sigh.

August: That’s violent, but thank you.

Iris: August, you're too normal.

The band mutters out agreements, which makes August huff out a laugh.

August: I can't tell if that's a compliment or not.



All the comments on these about Avina are so funny - we're so petty😂 (real tho, I will try to be friends with them while side-eyeing them the whole time😂) also I love these Q&As so much - they're so fun to get an insight into the characters!

Nat G

I have so many thoughts - re: why Seven who CLEARLY is fond of his bands REALLY hasn't let the band meet his mom/her feelings on them; the meaning behind Vic's nervous glances, etc - but I am so stuck on the excellent transition from Geriatric Seven Lawless to Geriatric Orion Quinn roflmao


I wanna call Lucy on the phone so bad! Seven would be pissed but we know she still loves MC!