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Hey! Part II is a fun one because that's when we get our first extended high school flashback. I said before that after Part II I have to polish everything because once Chapter 3 comes, that's when the plot begins unraveling and we get into the nitty gritty of things. Exciting! 
What's even more exciting is that I can write a kind Seven x MC dynamic that I haven't been able to write at such an extended length yet (at least not in game). Enjoy ^^

High School, Freshman Year

Maybe you made a mistake.

That thought finally occurred to you when you stood in front of the one-story house, your hand guarding your eyes and your neck craned at the white shingled roofs of the house.

The grass was a picturesque shade of vibrant green, the door a bright red. These are the details you remember: the small things. The unimportant things. Things liked green grass and red doors that mean nothing in the grand scheme of things, until you see that same green grass and red door when you're walking outside or watching a scene in a movie, and thus get transported to this moment with such startingly clarity that it could've happened just yesterday.

Green grass. Red doors. And a smiling Seven sauntering over to you from around the corner of the house.

You tried to imagine ${their} face so many times, and yet your memory fails you. You can't remember the look ${they} wore, or what ${they} texted you before you arrived, but you can remember the smell of the soap ${sevenhe} used and how it enveloped you when ${they} hugged you in greeting.

The feelings you had for your first official band practice.

"What are you doing?" ${they} asked as ${they} walked across the lawn, jabbing a thumb behind ${them}. "There's a side entrance for the garage." $!{they} watched you slowly drop your head to meet ${their} eyes, and ${they} sputtered out a laugh when ${they} gazed around helplessly. "Just going to stand around here?"

(choice) "I'm just trying to remember this moment so I can think back to it when we're rich and famous."

Seven let out a huff laughter and turned to the house, putting ${their} hands ${their} hips. "I'll be sure to thank Devyn's mom for letting us use her garage in our Grammy speech."

"Might be a bit cliché, no?" you said, smiling when ${they} wiggled ${their} brows at you. "A band practicing in a garage?"

"Cliché's are cliché's because they're awesome," Seven responded as ${they} threw ${their} arms around your shoulders and urged you on. "You just don't see the vision yet."

You let out a laugh and threw your own arms around their waist as they tugged you close, hip-checking you as they did. They dragged you back to the house, leading you to your first official practice as a band.


Tweedle Dee

Is it weird that i read this with rose tinted glasses? That was the vibe and there's it just felt so fun? You do tone so well 🥹


crumbling into tiny pieces and floating away in the wind as we speak