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Hello. I just wanted to write an update just to tell everyone where I'm at. It's mostly reiterating what everyone knows but it doesn't hurt to lay out what I'm doing :) Chapter 3 is also available for fan tier now.

I've finally settled and fixed the stats for prologue - chapter 1. Fixed all of the inconsistencies in stats and expanded on the stat page. The rewrite should've had it cleaned up but there was a few things I missed but that's fixed now.

I had just gotten the idea to add an extra page of the cast and staff since I know the infamous cast is large and it'd be easier to track that way. I've fixed up the lyric page and updated it. I know the stat page was wonky but it came from me debating on how I wanted it done. If you haven't noticed, I'm quite indecisive! But I got it down.

I've been going back and forth on them for the past six months but I've cleaned it all up and fixed it and found stats I'm happy with. I've also added a handful of invisible stats I've been meaning to add in anticipation for the rest of the game, some stats that only come into play near the end. I was debating on adding them so soon but I want to be able to keep track of them early just incase. Once it's out, you may get an idea of what they're for if you see them haha

I've also been adding more stoic choices throughout the demo because I realized there wasn't enough of them. This is a product of me working on chapter 2 again haha I noticed things I missed before so I guess that's a a silver lining. I managed to piece together chapter 2 through old files and have been working on that to have it out ASAP. Hopefully I can be done with it by the public release. I've taken account the errors in chapter 3 and the suggestions made. Thanks for helping me make the story stronger and more enjoyable to play. I'm likely going to fix up chapter 3 beyond that because I am itching to expand a few scenes already but thats par for the course. I always want to add more lmao

Chapter 3 took a long time to release but that's because of the rewrite. I'm sure chapter 4 won't take as long and I hope to have it out much sooner. What helped me is that I've worked on bits and pieces of chapter 4 while working on 3 :) I have a bare bones skeleton of chapter 4 already which is a good start as any :)

Now that chapter 3 is out for fan tier, I'll be releasing the rest of the viewing party POVs for this month. Then next month, after chapter 3 releases publicly and I've hopefully finished chapter 2 and release it all at once, I'll release POVs for chapter 3. Then I'll be done with what we have for the demo so far and we move on to chapter 4! 

Thank you for your understanding even with the bumps I've had so far. <3



Thank you for your hard work, Amy🙏, we all said in unison


You're so hardworking Amy, you should be so proud of yourself for all you're doing! 👏 we're all supporting you from here ❤️ Thanks for the update!

Nessy Lovegood

Lmao I thought this was solely an August Pierce post my bad lmao 🤣 but it sounds like you're making great progress!