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Hi! Sorry for the delay. Ah, the chapter 3 update is here at 140k words but also with bad news. Unfortunately, I had my files all wrong and lost my work of the chapter 2 rewrite and 200k words worth of edits. I am…immensely sad about it and tbh am not having a very good time haha it was a lot of work that I did over the months and now it's just all gone and im quite emotional over it

but I really wanted to share chapter 3 and everyone has been waiting for it so its here! the only setback is that you'd have to input just a few variable things at the end of chapter 1 + and won't get to read chapter 2

im sorry I really am, im honestly feeling really terrible over it but im going to just salvage what I have and try to make something better out of it

but anyways CHAPTER 3 (140K WORDS) + the new and improved prologue and chapter 1

if there are any errors or inconsistencies as it went through a major editing process so please let me know, I hope you like it

edit: fixed the save slots! sorry everyone!




I'm loving Gina and Victoria, can't decide which lady I prefer.


With each new piece that drops (update, side story, or Alt POV) I slowly find myself moving away from the slow unraveling of the Seven route and further down the sure-fire destruction that is the G-mance and I don't know what to think about that 😅🤣 Except if there is an option to not do my MC any favors I will SPEED PRESS that choice lmao I'm sorry MC I don't make the rules! Great update!! Sorry again about Ch.2 Amy but you should absolutely be ASTRONOMICALLY PROUD of Chapter 3 and I hope you don't lose sight of that either :))))


Getting Sebastian to pick MC up?! PERFECTION! GREAT CONTENT! Would Uber again ✨ Blake's soft side making another appearance? UGH YES. Make me question my RO choices brb gonna cry over fridge magnets and every O interaction 😭


Thank you for all the hard work you're doing, I am so sorry to hear that you lost so much progress on CH2, I hope you give yourself a breather and manage to find as much of the changes you did as possible! 💖 Also that car scene with Sebastian when you ask for/give a kiss as payment is 🥵.


The branching paths for the car scenes are so juicy, I went through them all at least once just to see the slices of drama 😭 Despite all of our available choices though, I ironically think I'll be picking Blake's car scene for the foreseeable future (even though being able to get into SV's car was absolute gold). Having the option to tell Blake about being in love with Seven is just too good. Even if Blake doesn't use it for show drama, just seeing what they do with the info (whether to comfort/tease MC or stir up drama with Seven later) is something I just can't pass up. As always, August is my platonic soulmate!!! I'd actually love more platonic skinship options for them, since the option to hold their hand in ch 1 is really the only one we get. I wanted to hold their hand on the stage in Ch. 3, but I didn't want to toggle romance points for them. (I also think the Seven to August pipeline is hilarious, even if I can't relate LOL. I'll be watching MC and Seven's loser behavior with a bowl of popcorn until I die, they're both so stupid). G is a disaster, but I really do want them to get in a better place (on and off their romance route). The start of the homewrecker and/or poly saga is already going well. G just let me smooch you and cause problems, I promise, it's fine, nothing will go wrong ☺️. Also Vic really going thru it, wth G. I know we can fix their relationship, but I hope we can also get the option to just push them towards a (at least semi-amicable) divorce in some scenarios. I just don't want them to end up staying in their slowly corroding relationship, either fix it or get away from each other 😭 I think one of the best things about this IF is your ability to make us like everyone even with all their wildly differing personalities and motivations. Like... I want both Blake and G to be happy despite Blake wanting to ruin G, and I want Seven to get to a better place even if I do a route where MC and them don't reconcile. This is getting pretty long, but I wanted to at least gush about how you write about the intersection or Seven, MC, and Avina's relationships with one another!! (Mostly bc people have decided to "pick a side" instead of talking about how Avina's presence tends to constantly foreshadow the idea of Seven repeating past mistakes with codependency.) Something that we just don't get enough of in the main story that I really enjoyed (and I think is really important) with the extra Patreon snippets is seeing Past!Seven thoughts. I had a really difficult time understanding why exactly Seven hated MC, and the typical narrative of Infamous obviously can't do the best with explaining this bc it's from MC's perspective. But being able to see Seven and MC's first date FROM Seven's POV really solidifies why they don't want to be around MC in the present. I had a visceral reaction while reading through it, I felt nauseous and vaguely horrified. We actually get to see that Seven was very obviously codependent. It's solidified in a lot of Seven's other POVs on Patreon as well, including their Valentine's short. Hell, it even makes ME feel bad continuing to bring MC into their life. It makes me second guess having MC reach out to them on my playthroughs. Realizing that a lot of Seven's hostility is a defense mechanism due to their fear of losing their own identity when around MC is really sad. And then(!), going through the Past!Scenes with MC's POV makes it worse bc you get to see MC's perspective. And they're either enabling Seven/are mutually codependent (at their worst), or (at their best) just completely oblivious/unaware of it. And MC still doesn't know about it at the current point of Infamous. It just gives such an edge to their interactions!! Of course Seven isn't with Avina, they're not MC. But is that a good thing? It feels romantic on MC's side bc they want to be special to Seven, but that's never been the problem. Sitting in that car while Seven blatantly stares at MC may make MC's heart pound, but that pull to MC probably makes Seven a bit sick with dread. Avina wants to take Past!MC's place in a way, but again, should they? Should anyone take that place again, including MC? I think I'm more interested in seeing if Seven can be happy around MC more than anything else. MC has been associated with intensity/spiraling to Seven for so long that them being able to be light/free around MC seems far more important to me.

Seeing O jealous of Auggy was NOT on my bingo card for this chapter, but it’s definitely not unwelcome 😋😋

Update - officially in love with Blake after that car scene 🤭


Hello! I hope everyone and Amy is doing great! I just want to know, if unable to save at this point, is on purpose? Sorry if it has been said before. 😊🙏