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Hi everyone! Sorry for the late start on July. Now that I'm at the end of chapter three I've been focusing on it a lot more just to finally expedite the completion. I'm posting a Seven flashback that will have a version that can be played by non Sevenromancers as a start but will be posting other RO pieces for the non 7mancers, including one for Seb since I feel like Seb may have been forgotten a bit haha. (Poor guy). It's hard for me to write a definitive schedule since I change my mind depending on what makes the most sense depending on where we're at with the demo but I like what I have planned!

I'm confident Chapter 3 will be done this month. If, by some unholy twist of fate, it doesn't then maybe I'll do one last sneak peek. Ha but it will definitely be done this month. I'm just saying that for accountability lolol luckily with the release of chapter 3 I can go back to posting demo bonus content :)

Sorry, just wanted to let everyone know! I don't like being silent since I know it may seem like I'm not working on things so just wanted tell you guys what I have planned for July!



happy to wait! take care of yourself, avoid burn-out as best you can, be gentle with yourself especially if youre still ill in any way, and enjoy spending an increased amount of time with your loved ones than writing if you so choose to!! youre doing great, and i would honestly cheer for you to slow down a little in self-protection lol no need for accountability as far as i am concerned. thank you for the sentiment behind this post tho ♡


I am confused but where do I play Chapter 2? I found the Chapter 1 rewrite but haven't found where to play Chapter 2.


Amy was burnt out from rewriting and moved ahead to working on Chapter 3 :) ch 2 hasn’t been rewritten yet