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You make a pit stop at your old childhood home to see your mom for Mother's Day. [3.6K words]

Very short...short haha! I wrote this for myself on Mother's Day to get a handle on MC's mom's personality when she's not just a voice at the other end of the phone. This is not an attempt to make her a sympathetic character MC needs to feel bad for but I do feel like depth doesn't automatically mean they're sympathetic. Just makes them more real.

I decide to codify it and expand on it to make it a short story :) It's pretty brief but I hope you enjoy!




"Is that it? Has she tried so hard not to be like her parents that she turned into them? Became the one thing she did not want to be?" amy you killed me again ⚰️

Queen Zelda

Ugh, AMY, what are you doing to meeeee? :O now I like MC's mom, she feels much more interesting as human being and not only a stoic mother with not much feelings. You are doing such an amazing job with all the snippets and the story. Can't wait to read the second chapter :3

Nameless Dandelion

I kinda get what the mom says about MC's career in music... But really, the most important thing would have been to focus on the bond with your child. I wonder why they were so absent. I kinda understand why the mom was absent because it's on her nature (this is what the MC says and I know it's biased) but the dad? Why is the dad absent too?