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Greetings Crew,

It's been lovely being with us through the first year and in name of the crew we deeply thank you for your invaluable support to the page during all this months.

At this point we are getting near to finish our second comic "Tardy" and soon to begin our third project, named "Flutterlie" (you may imagine who will appear on this one), also different projects that will be coming through the upcoming months.

But the main reason that I'm reaching you out this time is about an upcoming reestructuration in terms of the pricing and tiers we currently have...

It is well known that the main series (Rogue Diamond) it's even more supported in comparission to this page, mostly due to the pledge per page system that they have as well as the rewards. Which translates into greater support and more content for them, 4 pages at month (compared to the monthly 2 pages we have, excluding pin ups).

Lustful Diamond has set since the beginning goals to increase the support so in that way we could be in pair to our sister ship, but the current tier system available pretty much has stucked it the process, causing a slow progress seeking for this goal. Because of that and in order to incentive (and increase) the amount of content produced on the page we will be modifying our current rewards/tiers.

The first main thing is that there will be an increase of prices (+2$ for Tier 2/3, $1 for Tier 1), BUT in addition we will be adding one more reward starting from this month.


Yup, that's correct. The Lustful Diamond comic pages will come to life in full color, which is going to be possible thanks to our newest member of the crew: Cabrony.

Cabrony is known for coloring the Nurse Rarity comic, which I must say he did an outstanding job and after discussing with him he accepted to join to our crew, so these pages we are currently posting will come to full color eventually.

Of course these will have a temporarly exclusive (standard res) and high res pages for our patreons, just like the normal pages.

See bellow the new tier structuration, these new tiers will get enabled starting tomorrow so you can make the transition during the rest of this month. If you already pledged/paid for this month you will need to only pay the $1/2 difference to get access to it.

The old tiers will be active until April, so in that way you can transition with time

Tier 1: $2

- Early Access to Standard Res pages (LD Comic, RD Nude Edits)

Tier 2: $7

- Early Access to Standard Res pages (LD Comic, RD Nude Edits)

- Access to HD pages (LD Comic, RD Nude Edits)

- Access to Pin Ups pictures

- Early Access to Standard Res Color pages (LD Comic, RD Nude Edits)

- Vote for the next pin up/nude edit

Tier 3: $12

- Early Access to Standard Res pages (LD Comic, RD Nude Edits)

- Access to HD Res pages (LD Comic, RD Nude Edits)

- Access to Pin Ups pictures

- Access to Standard Res Color pages (LD Comic, RD Nude Edits)

- Vote for the next pin up/nude edit

- Propose ideas for the next Pin Up Picture/RD Nude edit)

- Access to HD Res Color pages (LD Comic, RD Nude edit)

- Access to sketches and WIPs

- Access to the LD Archive (online folder with all the patreon content)

Feel free to comment or reach us if you have any questions or concerns.


The LD Crew.



I understand and will up my pledge accordingly. Your art is wonderful and I’m glad I can continue to help support it.