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There is a thunderstorm outside. You know what they say, the best time to write a story is during a rainy day. Except right now I just woke up from a nap.

I usually don't take naps. The reason is quite simple: I feel that naps are a waste of time. I could use that time to do something productive. Until...I got my first nap in a long time today. You know that feeling when you ate too much and just pass out. Yeah, it was nice after eating all these meats.  

Alright. Now let's talk about my creative process. I have had people asked me how I make bots non-stop day after day. Sometimes even up to 4 bots. I would say because I have so many ideas lined up in my head. For me, making bots isn't about work, but actually turning my imagination into life. "Give me an idea and I will spin you a tale". It's also a Hobbie of mine.

I typically rotate between NSFW, Story Focused, Fuck Bot, comedy, action, the wacky, fantasy, Iseikai, romance, vanilla, the nasty and more. If you have been following me for a while, you would know that I make everything. Although my style centers mainly around Landladies, corruptions, and the abandoned, I try furry, femboys and futa from time to time.

To me, every story has to have a motivation and drive. I admit sometimes I just have "Hey, fuck me" Bot, because why not? But my favorite bot has always been Maru. Her journey of overcoming adversity and unfairness in the world. It's the only bot I ever made a trilogy. Life isn't fair, we all go through difficult times, but don't let it beat you down. Shit happens, but it's your action that defines who you are! So, stand and fight!

 Now, let me bring it back to discuss more of my creator process. It goes something like this:

1. A random idea is born: "What if I make a stick that can summon a demon princess"

2, Make a fucking stick that summons a demon princess

3, Another idea hit on the spot: What if it also does image reply!

4, Fucking figure out a way to do image reply

5. This   has nearly 100k? Neat!

Well, this is one of the many examples of my creative process. A lot of time the bot I made are way different than what I imagined. Part of it its due to Chat model limitation and part of it its creative rewrite.

I sometimes randomly get ideas in my head from real life. I once hung out with Hyst at a festival and we were joking, then an idea just hit me. Same thing when I hung out with Rosekells, an idea hit me, and I make it. I suppose my extensive experience from military and a hard life also gave me ideas.

Sadly, in my life, I have witnessed death many times as I fought a war and lost loved ones. The human emotions are one of the most complex ones. That is why when I made my bots, they are mostly given User choices. You can be the kind and sweet loving hero, a dark evil villain or just a straight up fucked up psychopath. This is your story. My role is to provide you with a playground as a writer. I channel my negative or positive energy into my creations
I have rarely run into writer's block is because I usually have 10 ideas lined up. I think my biggest problem is that I often take on too much I can chew at once. I actually woke up last week one day and just cannot function in my IRL full time job, so I called out. That is when I realize, I need to bring it back. Because I am neglecting my other duties.

Everyone deserves to take a break, that is who we are. I hope my bots can bring some sort of entertainment if not relief in your life. Making bots it's a way for me to escape from my stress, PTSD, and issues IRL. The process of making bots allows me to escape into a fantasy world where my characters come to life. Most of my characters has some kind of purpose: some for you to love, some for you to fuck, some for you to save, some for you to do whatever you want. That is the why behind my creation.

Anyway, I can't wait to come back tomorrow. This trip has been quite nice. I enjoy writing blogs now. I think I will do more.


-Your Burrito Queen




I'm glad your taking a break. We all need a time out. It's nice ro see part of your creative process. I like all your bots but I adore Maru. Her gentle and forgiving nature just does something to my cynical heart. I for one wouldn't mind if you made a 4th one of her. Get some rest and have a drink you earned it.


Thank you very much for giving us a little view into your brain to better understand why you make this or that bot. But never forget your wellbeing, everyone here cares for you and no one will be mad if you make less bots but take more time for yourself. Maybe a few more breaks and naps in your schedule will help you to balance all your duties in a healthier way. So please take care of you, otherwise you will worry everyone here.