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Just some gym buds working out together

Alright, I got to finish up the monthly animation I'm a little late on and then I'll be free to start up something new. I'll likely start the next boxing set soon.

Check the usual links for peanut tier and cashew tier. In folder "Gym Buds"

Peanut Tier - https://www.patreon.com/posts/peanut-tier-90184265
Cashew Tier - https://www.patreon.com/posts/cashew-tier-90184124


If you care to read more of this visit the previous tech notes for my WIP of this. There's alot there. 

What else if there to say that I didn't already in the WIP? I suppose the process of using Eevee vs Cycles helped me to make adjustments faster. I also think it will be much more possible for me to possibly using automatic physics in portions of my animations that I couldn't before.
I've always had issues with looping certain things like physics but if made in Eevee I won't really need to worry about that because I just won't loop them since making longer animations will be possible. I think I'm likely to give up Cycles for now because it is holding me back from making longer stuff like this. (For comparison, I think rendering this is Cycles would take a minimum of 24 hours meanwhile Eevee takes 1 hour 30 minutes)

This was completed in kinda 3 days (animating and fixing up scene/visuals) with a 4th day just being clean up. I quite like the result.




This was hot. There's unfortunately very few porn of the most muscular women in Overwatch pair together.

Patreon Fan

Good stuff as always😍