Animation Release! (Patreon)
She's just giving her teammate a helping hand. Despite the death glare, she secretly loves it (probably).
Finally got this one finished up. Same as the other one, it was done for a bit but after learning some more and getting started on other projects, I had to put it on hold. Trust me when I say visually this looks alot better than it did before.
Check Patreon's Collections or use the usual links.
Peanut Tier -
Cashew Tier -
Similar to the Caitlyn Vi animation, this one went through some visual re-working. I learned a bit more since then as well so I got to try some more on this. Same as last time, no movement animation was changed just visuals. I think for now I have finally reached a spot of hapiness with my most of my new visuals where I can stop thinking they are constantly trash. I will look to improve them later but now I can start improving the movement in my animations and maybe move to experimental stuff to try out.
By the way, a huge portion of visual improvement came by switching Eevee to Cycles (not the only change, but a big one). Cycles may just be more noob friendly because I have seen people create great stuff in Eevee but when I use it, I just don't know. I always seem to look at the work and then just think it's not the best.
I was gonna give the red head a voice but it was taking too long so I said whatever and just finished as is. I try not to stress over sound and I wanted to move on.