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Just some progress updates and plans for the upcoming future. 


Got a quick project with Nyl's Models that will be released next. Vi and Caitlyn and the Monthly animation was voted to be Brigitte and Mei from Overwatch so I'm gonna be looking into setting that up soon. 

Future plans

For those who don't know, 6 months ago, I was not an animator. I'm no stranger to computers but 0% anything animation wise. So, I've learned in bits and pieces but I never studied any proper "tools" or "methods" of animation. So I plan to look into rules and techniques of animating more to see if it helps to improve my animation so I can hopefully make some better looking stuff.


I'm going to very slowly try commissions (not yet). They will be for simple loops so they don't take up too much time from my own projects. Will announce here and on twitter when that does start. Should be before the end of the year. Once again, gonna keep these very simple. So, I may stop them if it becomes a pain but who knows where it will go.


Input and questions always welcome so feel free to ask or comment. I'm thinking I may learn some techniques and then make a series of small loops to display a technique I've learned. Like little example pieces after I learn something impactful. That way people can easily see the example or style and give feedback.

Welp... time to get back to creating.


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