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  • Quarry WIP.mp4



Alright, time to finally show some of this off. Finally committed to doing something a tad longer similar to some of my older works. I'm probably gonna have more than one WIP for this as I can show it more than once without revealing everything anyway

I really want to go back over this first part and make the animations more in depth but I'm already working quite a bit on the actual sex part so that will have to wait.

I currently have approximately 40 seconds of animation completed

Check WIP attached below

**Tech Notes**

These are gonna be lonnggg so I figured do some between now and the final release to separate them. I got alot of new exciting things I'm doing that I've only recently started trying so lets get into it.

Random Noise

I've tried something I've had on my mind for a while. I'm adding little bits of random 'noise' to my keyframes in order to have the movements have added sway to them. This basically means that once I turn it on the characters will sway in random direction. I can control the randomness to a degree so I'm adding that on top of my existing movements to see how that will go. I like it alot and plan to use it more in the future. (P.S. if you want an example of heavy noise take a look at that comm WIP I posted right before this one. The person stuck in the wall (Abby) is using heavy amounts of it for most her movements COMM WIP LINK)


I thought I knew lighting. Big surprise, I'm wrong 😔. This is actually a good thing. I've been looking into lighting again and realized I could be doing better. I like the general lighting for this scene but need to get better and learn some patterns that I like using and that look better. I use Eevee so there are plenty of tricks to try. Eevee Next was finally released which may be big for this. I'll stick to normal Eevee for this project and try that later.



I plan to go back over the project and add some layered movement to see how good I can get everything to look. Normally I hate working out of my usual order but I feel this should be easy to do after everything else.


I've used this before but I plan to add it here again. It is not in the WIP but it is something I plan to do afterwards


I plan to add some UI similar to the game. I really like the idea I have in my head for it and can't imagine it being too difficult based on what I'm planning.



David Barger

Ah hell yes!! Love the quarry girls they’re so hot 😍