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Match has concluded and Evelyn is the winner as she takes her victory prize

Thanks for voting, Evelyn won with 23 votes to the Queen's 18.

I'm putting pause on the boxing sets for now as I want to continue with other stuff. I may pick them back up later.

Apologies for the delay, I planned to put this out 2 days ago but ran into unexpected delays. I'm optimistic on upcoming content so hopefully you guys will enjoy that.

Check the usual links in Patreon's collections Tab named "Tier Folders" for peanut tier and cashew tier. Check Boxing FOLDER for Evelyn and Queen of Pain

**Tech Notes**

So for this unfortunately I needed to get it out the way. I ran into some unexpected issues and had to work around them and even the final release has issues that I can't really focus on any longer unless I want my other works to suffer because of it.

I used cycles on this which looks better in some spots and worse in others. Dude I swear Cycles just doesn't seem to be worth the effort. It gives a better look but is worse for everything else. It's slow, can cause memory issues all the time, it can have too much noise (glitching). It's exhausting trying to get it to work vs just using Eevee. But who knows what the future holds. I do plan on testing more with it soon anyway.

Movements and everything else were pretty basic. I used cloth physics for the Queens breasts. I animated the majority of this quite a while ago so I'll just leave these notes basic and stop here.

