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I've been away from commissions for quite a while and had the urge to try it again. Sometimes I like animating quick versions of new ideas from people.

Keep in mind this will be in "Commissions folder"

Check the usual links in Patreon's collections Tab named "Tier Folders" for peanut tier and cashew tier. Check COMMISSIONS FOLDER for all my commissions. Check most recent one.


Comms NORMALLY aren't really for experimenting however... this commission forced me to try some stuff I haven't before. Which is dealing with anime shaders. I also had to do handjobs and kissing which I don't often do as well.

Anime shaders really wasn't much because these aren't my models keep that in mind. The background and characters are not self made by me. But as someone who needs to adjust the apperance of them it still somewhat relevant for me to look into the textures and shading atleast a little bit. I had to also find out how to add outline to my peen model as well. It wasn't too hard but new. I had to rig the tongue bones because the model had none as well and make extra shapekeys for that.

For the background particles I bought a popular addon for it (dust particles pro). Really nice and easy addon that I will be using more in the future. Thanks for you guys support as always. Helps me to be able to buy and upgrade my tools without worry.

