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  • Small WIP.mp4



Finally getting the main part started. I've been working on this for a bit now but finally making some decent progress. I'm a bit late continuing this and I got a decent bit of work I need to do so I can finish it before the next monthly animation.

This is still quite a rough look since I got more movements and facial expressions to do. Possibly more body shape modifications as well.



I'll save the details so I have some more to say during the final release but this animation has been kicking my ass. But, I've been kicking it back I guess... I'm just gonna bullet point the list of goods and bads to working on this.



-Annoying/hard sex position

-Weird bones

-Lots of clipping body parts

-Ugly deforming body in position

-I'm sure I forgot something...


-Decent correction to body shapes

-New discoveries with physics

-New discoveries with preventing specific movements to help with animation

-Continued practice with manually done jiggles


I changed how the Honey's peen looked quite a few times. At first it was floppy but bouncy. That was manual but looked kinda bad. I thought about making it erect since erect is always pretty easy. But I decided to mess around with physics some more and I got a better understanding of adjusting it. The physics addon I'm using is "Wiggle Bones 2". It has an amazing feature that accounts for collision. So I can give something physics and then also tell it to collide with something else.

At first I wasn't feeling this animation. The movements were 'eh'. Body and position were 'eh' but as I started to correct some stuff it has been getting better. I'm still not satisfied from all the problems I still see but it is much better than what I initially had. I still got alot to do with movements, facial expressions, etc so this is a rough look at it.




This looks like it will be awesome! This is a cute pairing.