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Here is the firts video of the Aeldari Corsair. I use to copy the GW schemes and in the way of paint the mini some time come to my mind little modifications as the weapons or gems. So I recomend you dont over think so much the scheme of the mini and start copying a mini you like and add little of your taste.


Aquí está el primer video del Corsario Aeldari. Suelo copiar bastante los esquemas de color de GW y en el camino se me ocurren pequeñas modificaciones como las armas o las gemas (que vendrán en el siguiente video). Así que os recomiendo que no os calentéis mucho con los esquemas de color, copiar uno que os guste e id añadiendo pequeñas modificaciones de vuestra cosecha


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Hey Juan this looks amazing. I’m having trouble finding a Dark Violet oil paint can you recommend one?

Jeremy Schweitzer

The happy accident with the veins was so cool! Great video thanks.


Classicalty I work with primary, magenta, cyan and yellow, black and white and mix it. Just recently i got a big box of oils that in have to test yet. So i cant help you with any specific name. Im going to do an oil paint video this week, so may be i helps