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Hey, folks! Hope you had a good Thanksgiving if you celebrated, and hope you're having a happy holiday season so far!

This past month or two has been busy and didn't really go according to plan, so I'm going to pause the campaign for December until I get pull together the next comic for Massive tiers on up. I'll also likely take a couple weeks break from My Bigger Boyfriend as I catch up on some things.

The current plan is to get some stuff wrapped up and out of the way so I can hit the ground running in January. More My Bigger Boyfriend, new short comic, and more plans for what's coming up afterwards. Fingers crossed that 2024 will be my year! 😉

Thanks again for your support and your patience, everyone. As always feel free to send me a note or message if you have any questions. And have a great remainder of the year! ❤️


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