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Howdy, folks! Happy Halloween, and hope your season has been spooky in a good way!

I wanted to take a few moments to thank everyone again for their support and for their patience! This month has proven to be a busy one:

I cranked through a good chunk of work, including working ahead a bit on My Bigger Boyfriend in preparation for the next two items.

I attended ACFI in San Antonio, and had a bit of preparation to do beforehand. Unfortunately it turned out to be not a great year there for me, so I did spend a lot of time kicking myself and feeling miserable like a worn out shoe nobody wants anymore. :( But then I had to set that aside for:

My boyfriend and I took a vacation and spent nine days in Hawaii! It was our first time ever there, and our first real vacation in about seven years, and it was pretty glorious. I made it a point NOT to work on anything or to think about work the whole time I was there. We'll see if a week and change of "getting away from it all" will make much headway against several years of burnout; time will tell. :)

So now that I'm back, I've got a few things on my plate: Gotta continue work on My Bigger Boyfriend. Gotta prep some pre-order badges and new artwork for Midwest Furfest in Chicago at the beginning of December, which will hopefully turn out a bit better for me. And I'll be gearing up a new short comic for Patreon here, which will continue into December and part of the new year.

So, again, thanks y'all, I really do appreciate everything! I'll be posting more soon, and I hope everyone has a great holiday season! ❤️


Sylvan Scott

I've never been to Hawaii but my whole family has! From what they say, the roast pork cooked during a luau is the best! Welcome back, sir!