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Hello, and Happy Thanksgiving to anyone who is celebrating today! ❤️

I've got a couple of sketches from my Brobdingnagian patrons to share today … censored versions posted above, uncensored included as attachments. First up, a saucy sketch of the were-horse from Castlevania: Circle of the Moon for Glimmerstomp. Then, for Gnollvember, a sketch of Alkali's gnoll character at the medieval gym.

Things are busy here, with the holiday and then Midwest Furfest coming up next week! I'm going to try to get one more page of Small Business Growth! sent out before I leave next week. Then, if you're going to be at MFF, please mask up and be safe and stop by my table to say hello! (Table C2 in the Dealer's Den.) Then when I get back in December, work on both comics will continue!

Everyone take care, and have a great weekend! ❤️



Sylvan Scott

These bois are certainly astounding! Very wonderful, indeed! :)


Dropped some forbidden good stuff here X'D