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Hello, my dear patrons! First of all … I want to wish you a happy holiday season (whatever you happen to celebrate), and I want to offer the most heartfelt thanks for your support this year. Not gonna lie, 2020 has been a challenging year for me (as it has been for so many people), and I’m finding this month has been a particularly rough time going through a Thanksgiving and Christmas season with Mom gone and being unable to visit Dad. Your support has been an absolute lifeline to me this year, not just financially, but personally as well, knowing I have fans and friends out there who care about me. So, thank you, one and all!

Today I wanted to send out a quick update on Coyena Comics: Kaiju Attack!. First of all, there are only two pages left, and I intend to have both pages (plus the Beef Stroganov wallpaper) done before the end of the month. So keep an eye out for those in the coming week!

Once the comic is complete, I plan to draw a color cover and package it up as a PDF to sell online.  This will probably take me a couple months to pull together and schedule its release, but once it’s available, I plan to share it with patrons as follows, based on your rewards up until now:

Colossal, Ginormous & Brobdingnagian Fans will receive a copy of the PDF at no charge!

Massive Fans will receive a copy of the SFW version of the PDF at no charge, with the option to “upgrade” to the NSFW for a very low price, if they wish to.

Big Fans will receive a code for a few dollars off the price of the downloadable PDF, if they decide they wish to purchase it!

So, that’s the plan for now! I’ll be sending out another update in a few days to explain the direction this Patreon campaign will be taking next. If anyone has any questions, please feel free leave a comment below, send a message, or chat in the Discord channel. And in the meantime, again, have a wonderful Holiday season, and here’s hoping for a better new year in 2021! <3



C. F. Becker

A very Merry Christmas to you, Cooner! Thank you for making 2020 better for all of us with your wonderful artwork!