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Thanks again to everyone for your support, especially these past few months as I’ve been getting the ball rolling and figuring out production. Currently it’s a bit crazy, after getting thru the holidays, searching for a new house, doing FC this weekend, and immediately afterwards moving before our lease ends this month! Even with all that, though, I’m so happy to be making a comic happen. <3

So once we’re settled in at the new house and my office is set up again, I’ll be working on setting a more firm schedule. I’ve been a bit lax with the weekly-ish sketches recently, but I’ll get those back online. As for the comic, my goal is to try to get an average of one page inked and one page penciled every week; more if I can. This first Coyena Comic is 24 pages long, but I hope to wrap it up within a few months, as quickly as possible. Streaming sessions will become more regular, also.

After that … I’m not sure what the next comic will be, but I hope y’all will stick around to find out! I’m planning to do more Coyena stories for sure, but I have some other ideas as well.

Again, thanks to each and every one of you! And please don’t hesitate to comment here or join the Discord group and let me know what you think, what you like, and so on. Really glad this stuff is finally happening. (And if you’re attending FC, stop and say hi!)



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