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I wanted to send out a quick note to hopefully answer questions anyone might have about streaming sessions, since they're newly listed in the Goals and Tiers sections of the campaign now!

I'm getting things ramped up right now and preparing for MFF in a couple weeks, so I'll probably try a first stream sometime in mid-December. Each session will probably include doing some design work or page drawing for whatever comics I'm working on, but I'll also try to toss in a few quick sketch requests by random selection with whoever is in the stream. (Brobdingnagian tier patrons will get a first dib on requests; if they can't match the timing of a session they can pre-arrange their request!)

In the Goal milestones I mention doing two, three, or four streams per month. This will be a target minimum each month … if I have the time I'll do more, and I'll try to vary times and days so patrons have a better chance of being able to attend!

And speaking of that, sometime in the next few weeks I'm going to put together a poll, so that streaming-tier patrons can let me know what times and days of the week tend to work better for them. I'll compile the answers and try to time streaming sessions to fit as best as I can! I'll probably repeat this poll every few months as well, to accomodate new patrons or let people adjust any life and schedule changes.

Hopefully this helps! If anyone has further questions feel free to leave a comment here or contact me directly! And thanks again for your support! <3


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