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Chapter 113 Wendy: I’m so angry!


In the snowy weather, on the bare branches of trees, Kiana squatted high up, licking a lollipop with a displeased expression.

Covered in black armor from neck down, she looked like she was wearing a sleek black bodysuit adorned with cool patterns—Sigurd had tried adding accessories, but the primary function of the black armor was to enhance physical abilities and agility to the utmost. Any additional adornments would only compromise its performance.

In the end, this was how it turned out. The now partially matured Kiana looked like a nimble little panther from afar, her budding body curves exuding an aura of youth and strength.

Chirp! Chirp!

A communication call came in, from Bronya in the distance.

Kiana squatted, holding her lollipop in one hand and scratching her butt with the other, then answered the signal.

"Kiana, are you keeping a good watch?"

"Otherwise? Should I be surfing instead?"

"Don't complain. While the enhancement of the black armor is impressive, I've reviewed the data from the second Honkai Eruption, and frankly, we're not qualified to intervene in Level events yet."

"┐(?-`)┌Yes, yes, you're right!"

Kiana responded lazily, nonchalantly, though inwardly she was probably still resentful.


At this moment, another line connected.

"Stupid tuna, don't drop the ball."

"Wow! You better take care of yourself first! Acting like you can beat me?"

"You think I won’t stab you?"

"Come on! Let's see if this lady's fists are tougher or your lame spear is faster!"


The harsh electronic interference suddenly sounded in Kiana and Sin Mal's ears, causing both of their spirits to deflate simultaneously.

Then, Bronya's cold voice came through.

"Are you done making noise? You're on a mission, not playing around."

Kiana: "Sorry, my bad."

Sin Mal: "Apologies, Bronya. I got too relaxed."

In the distance, Bronya sat on a snow-covered rock, having finished checking the bee's defensive situation, her clear gray eyes looking at the drone by her side, where she could see the figures of Kiana and Sin Mal on the display screen.

She sighed softly.

"I know you're both not satisfied, but inadequate ability is just that. You can only do as much as your power allows. If you're not satisfied, then continue to grow stronger."

Kiana and Sin Mal didn't reply, but Bronya knew they were listening.

"Now, back to the task at hand. Extraction of the Gem of Desire is something Sigurd is definitely confident about, but there are plenty of ambitious individuals. Our job is to ensure Sigurd isn't disturbed in any way. This is a very important task, so don't take it lightly."

Bronya's gaze darkened.

In the distant formation of the triangle, Kiana and Sin Mal's expressions also flickered.

While there were many ambitious individuals, there was only one person who could potentially know about Sigurd's actions and pose a threat at the same time—Otto Apocalypse.

Sigurd had mentioned that his relationship with Otto had changed since the day he completed the fusion warrior experiment.

Otto might not continue to sit idly by or even encourage Sigurd's growth. It was possible that he would intervene to prevent Sigurd from obtaining the Gem of Desire.

Though Sigurd had a high level of information blockade around him, and Welt was diverting attention by going to "St. Freya," it was hard to say whether Otto had noticed this place or whether he would intervene.

The importance of their mission goes without saying.

"Wendy and the Gem of Desire side have Sigurd and Instructor Fu Hua. Sigurd is strong, unbelievably so, and Instructor Fu Hua, while not as strong as him, is not one to be underestimated. With the two of them there, there shouldn't be any problems. We must also do what we need to do—enter stealth mode, stay alert, and anyone who's careless, Bronya will be angry."

The helmet slowly covered Bronya's face, and as her petite figure faded away, she left behind her final warning.

Kiana and Sin Mal nodded in unison.

In the well-built temporary base, Sigurd pushed his wheelchair slowly towards the central laboratory.

"Don't be nervous. Although it's the first time, with my technique, it won't hurt much."

"... "

Wendy sat in the wheelchair, her hands on her legs, and clenched her fists.

She wasn't nervous.

It's just that a few days ago, he would occasionally throw her onto the experimental table and touch her body as he pleased, making her angry and embarrassed. Today, he suddenly told her that he was going to remove the gem from her body.

Wendy felt confused.

"What— What should I do after I recover?"

"You can go wherever you want, what's it got to do with me."

"I see, that's also true..."

Wendy lowered her head, trying to force a happy smile, but found that she couldn't.

Seele is very gentle and cooks delicious food. Raiden Mei is the same way, both are innocent and shy children who blush easily at any playful tease. Rozaliya and Liliya are mischievous but take their idol dreams seriously. A casual remark in the practice room can make them happy and jumping with joy. Bronya, although she doesn't speak much, is also very gentle and quietly takes care of her mood...

As Wendy recalled these things and imagined her days back in Anti-Entropy, she suddenly found herself unable to depict the life of a Valkyrie anymore, a strange sense of panic rising within her.

The girl's eyes shook, and then Sigurd's gentle voice came.

"Go wherever you want— Do you think I would say that?"


"You've been eating for free here for almost half a year, relieving your body, taking care of your daily life. Do you know how much money I've spent? Want to leave? At least finish ten years of work first."


Wendy looked incredulously at Sigurd, her eyes widened like a startled kitten. After a while, her face turned red with anger as she scolded:

"Unreasonable! You forcibly brought me here, and now you blame me? Besides, I haven't even accounted for you touching me all over every day!"

"What's there to account for, you little brat? If it wasn't for me checking and nurturing your body, would you have the strength to yell at me now?"

"I'm not a little brat! Anyway, I won't yield! I'm a Valkyrie of Schicksal! You jerk, you clearly said on the first day that it was just out of pity! It was all a lie! And to think I once thought you were a good person!"

"A good person isn't a fool. After all, you're a potential S-rank Valkyrie. There will always be a time when you can be useful. Furthermore, disappearing for almost half a year and returning with a body without the gem, are you sure Schicksal will treat you as a Valkyrie and not a criminal or an experimental subject?"

In Sigurd's consistent tone, Wendy hesitated for a while, reluctantly lowering her head.

Yes, this was indeed a practical problem.

A look of dismay appeared on her cute little face.

She had already figured out Schicksal's nature. While they had a sense of righteousness and their purpose was good, they had the mindset of the end justified the mean, their methods had almost no bottom line. Especially after spending so much time at the Anti-Entropy headquarters, the comparison between the two organizations made Wendy realize the significant issues with Schicksal.

To turn her into a criminal, and then use her as an experimental subject to study her condition after losing the Gem of Desire, the people at the Oceania branch were certainly capable of doing that.

"... Anyway, I won't yield!"

With a burst of determination, Wendy gathered her spirits and expressed her final stubbornness—she would never surrender to this guy. He was definitely Wendy's lifelong enemy!

Then, Sigurd glanced at her indifferently, coolly saying:

"You talk as if you could resist me."

To be honest, that was quite hurtful.

Wendy was so angry that she wanted to jump up from her wheelchair and strangle him immediately, but considering the gap in their combat abilities, she swallowed her anger and simply retorted:

"One day, I'll knock you into a wheelchair!"


Sigurd replied casually.

Wendy: (??皿?`)!!!

Do you have to say so little!

What does that "oh" even mean!?

Is it beneficial for you to anger me now!?

Wendy was so angry that tears welled up in the corners of her eyes, her expression of extreme annoyance, but it didn't move the boy in front of her, who remained as indifferent as a block of wood.

Today's Wendy, once again, was easily irritated into the shape of a pufferfish by Sigurd.


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