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Chapter 112: Honest? Not Honest!

"Lord Leader, it's an honor to see you here. May I ask if there's any order for your sudden arrival? Lord Raiden Ryoma happens to be away, I'm truly sorry."

The assistant of Raiden Ryoma, currently the spokesperson for the Anti-Entropy Subdivision in the Far East region, a well-fed Mediterranean-style political figure, humbly greeted Welt.

Welt shook his head, wearing a gentle smile, and said, "I'm aware that Raiden Ryoma is at headquarters. I'm just here to take a look. You don't need to worry about me; go ahead and attend to your own affairs."

"Um— perhaps I should arrange a guide for you?"

"Sure, that'd be appreciated. Thank you."

"You're too kind; it's my honor."

Then, Welt watched as the person left, sighing helplessly.

There weren't many people in Anti-Entropy who had seen him, but Raiden Ryoma's trusted assistant was one of them, and he hadn't expected him to be so proficient in intelligence work. Welt had barely entered the city area when this spokesperson rushed over.

Well, if one isn't skilled in intelligence work, how can they develop under the watchful eye of the Fate Far East Branch?

Currently in a café, Welt took out a thick, dark red notebook from his backpack when he had the opportunity to be alone.

[First day of survey in the Far East region.]

[The natural environment is good, the urban construction is well-developed, but there's a stifling atmosphere in life. The disparity in levels among people of different professions and classes is extremely obvious, and social stratification is particularly pronounced here.]

[Fate's secular influence isn't prominent, providing an opportunity for the development of the Anti-Entropy Subdivision. The fact that two organizations can coexist almost frictionlessly in this land is a rare phenomenon and worth further investigation and analysis.]

[Regarding decay, the threat suffered by the Far East region seems quite limited. As a densely populated developed country, this is abnormal. According to the pattern of decay, this place is highly likely to be the site of the next major disaster. I need to do something.]

[Let's start with another visit to 'Saint Freya'.]

[But before that, I haven't sorted out my dinner yet, and my travel expenses have been spent along the way. What should I do now?]

Welt closed the notebook, his bright and clear brown eyes filled with contemplation, pondering whether to mooch off the Anti-Entropy Subdivision for a meal or go find Theresa, the headmistress of the academy, to mooch off her.

Although not eating wouldn't have much impact, as a human being, it's generally better to have a bit more lively atmosphere.

Then, his guide arrived.

Whether there was some deeper meaning or simply fitting for the job, the guide arranged by Raiden Ryoma's assistant for Welt was an elegant and graceful woman named Mizuki.

Mizuki seemed a bit restrained, after all, she was facing the leader of the Anti-Entropy organization. It was strange if a junior officer like her wasn't nervous.

"Lord Leader, greetings. Mizuki is honored to serve you. You can just call me Mizuki."

"Mizuki is it? A very special name. Well then, there's a serious matter I need to inform you of."

"Please, for the sake of Anti-Entropy's cause, I'm ready to take on any responsibility."

"Spirited indeed! So, let me ask you, do you have any money with you? I'll be frank, the money I have on me is barely enough for my own coffee. If you don't have money, you won't be able to order anything."

Welt said very seriously.

Mizuki clearly paused for a moment.

Wait, this is our Anti-Entropy leader? Why does it feel so different from what I imagined?

Then, she unconsciously relaxed and sat down with Welt, gradually engaging in conversation.

One conversation led to another, and before they knew it, an afternoon had passed.

Mizuki led Welt to the cafeteria of the Anti-Entropy base, watching as he seamlessly integrated with the lower-level workers, chatting with them about various topics without any hint of discord.

It's really different from what I imagined!

Standing outside the cafeteria, Mizuki watched the leader who had a gentle smile, resembling a friendly neighborhood boy, gradually smiling herself.

Although different from what she imagined, if this man is the leader, it doesn't seem so bad after all.


Welt stayed in the Anti-Entropy base for several days. Apart from Ryoma's assistant and his guide Mizuki, no one noticed anything amiss; they all treated him as a new intern.

He could make friends with anyone and open up to anyone. When he left, a group of people even spontaneously threw him a farewell party. It wasn't extravagant, just a gathering in the cafeteria, but everyone seemed happy.

After the meal, Mizuki accompanied him out of the base.

On their way back, they passed by a production area.

Mizuki looked at the people working overtime inside and felt that they seemed different somehow. They worked with extra vigor, and despite their fatigue, their smiles carried hope.

"Lord Leader is truly a remarkable person," Mizuki said thoughtfully.


Welt walked on the road to Saint Freya, feeling a sense of accomplishment from the wages he earned over the past few days of work and the gambling winnings from his coworkers.

What? You say he cheated?

Can the power of the Herrscher of Logic allow cheating? If it's not discovered, it's not cheating!

Welt smiled faintly as he reached the school's ground pickup point.

However, he had already resigned from his position as a teacher, so theoretically, he couldn't use this pickup point to reach the school floating in the air.

But everything had to be tried. How would he know if he didn't try?

"Um, hello. I was previously a history teacher at the school, Welt Yang. I happened to pass by here today and wanted to visit the headmistress. Could you please help me inform her?"

The receptionist student pushed her glasses and looked at Welt, who appeared gentle and harmless.

Hmm, a tall and slim man, seems quite sturdy, but gives off a bit too honest vibe, like a harmless herbivorous character?

Strangely, although Welt had clearly mentioned his name as Welt Yang, the same name as the leader of Anti-Entropy, because of his overly calm and harmless demeanor, she didn't associate him with Anti-Entropy at all.

"I'll inform her, please wait."

"Alright, thank you very much."

Soon, the female student returned with a communication from Theresa.

"Wahhh! Mr. Yang, you scumbag! How dare you come to find me? Do you know how much damage your sudden resignation caused me?! I still haven't found a history teacher who's good enough and willing to endure hardship!"

"Principal, as I said, there were some family matters. I apologize for any inconvenience caused."

"Hmph! I know, that's why I didn't refuse to talk to you. If you're willing to come back, this principal will generously increase your salary by ten percent!"

"A tempting offer, but I'm really just here to visit you today."

"Then you don't need to come. I don't want to see you. Just leave, no need for a goodbye!"

"Um, I brought a set of limited edition Homu's Comics—"

"The plane will be here in ten minutes!"

Theresa cut off the call.

Welt returned the communicator to the female student.

She looked at the communicator, then at Welt's smiling face, and suddenly wondered if her initial impression of him being honest and harmless was too one-sided.


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