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Volume 1 Chapter 13: Public Execution

The afternoon classes were extremely dull.

But Hikigaya still forced himself to focus and study diligently.

It must be said.

Ichinose  is an extremely infectious person, and everything she says seems to be correct, as if not following her instructions would result in strong feelings of guilt.

At the end of each class,

there would be many people gathering around Hikigaya, occasionally bringing up some topics, and he wouldn't refuse,

just leaning his cheek on his hand on the desk, occasionally nodding as if he had already adapted to this feeling of being a normie.

It seems that Ichinose has already shared the information about the point with the rest of the class, and people occasionally express words of praise.

Isn't this the life he dreamed of in middle school?

But, there always feels like something's not right, a kind of indescribable sense of unease permeating his heart.

Until after school.

A girl with purple hair knocked on the classroom door.

"Tachibana-senpai? Why are you here, is there something wrong?"

Ichinose stepped forward to greet her, apparently they know each other, it's only the third day of school, and the opportunity was most likely from yesterday's club orientation meeting.

The two of them seemed to have a very good relationship already, Hikigaya packed up his bag without a care in the world.

"I'm here to find Hikigaya-san, could you please come with me to the student council?"

Tachibana spoke with a hint of displeasure.

"Huh? Me?"

Hikigaya put down his bag, looking somewhat surprised.

"Oh, you're here. Then come with me, see you next time, Ichinose-san."

After bidding farewell to Ichinose, Tachibana turned around and left directly, Hikigaya also put down his bag and followed her out.


As they walked out of the classroom, Ichinose lowered her voice with some confusion, "I can see that Tachibana-sempai seems a little unhappy, did you do something?"

"I don't know, maybe it's about the club application."

Hikigaya explained briefly as he left the classroom.

He submitted the application yesterday, and today she's already here to find him.

It shows how efficient the student council is, which is enough to indicate that it must be a heartless organization dedicated to exploiting students.

The pseudo-ability user must be a heartless president.


Regardless, MAX Coffee matters must take precedence.

Hikigaya felt a wave of weariness for some reason.

Speaking of which, did he offend this senior in some way? Why does she seem so displeased with him, like a delayed rebellious phase?

Hikigaya maliciously thought, following Tachibana to the student council.

Tachibana pushed open the door, with Hikigaya following closely behind.

In front of them was a long table, with the pseudo-ability user Horikita Manabu sitting in the middle, hands crossed under his chin, his glasses seemingly reflecting the light.

Commander, he must be the commander.

Could it be that today he's going to start piloting the EVA-01? It feels like he accidentally discovered the true nature of the school.

On his left was a blonde, calmly assigning tasks to people. The nameplate on the table read Vice President Nagumo Miyabi.

Definitely a blond normie,

Next to her were people numbered one to six.

"Have a seat."

Horikita Manabu spoke in a low voice, his tone carrying an undeniable pressure.

What's this, it's too terrifying.

Hikigaya obediently sat across from him.


Horikita Manabu picked up a file from the table: "These are the two materials you submitted yesterday, remember them?"

"Yes, I do."

Hikigaya nodded.

What's wrong with this person, if one didn't know better, they'd think he's being brought before a military tribunal.

Were the materials he wrote that bad?

"Very well."

Horikita Manabu handed one of the materials to the person beside him: "Tachibana, it's up to you now."

Seemingly a tacit understanding among students.

Once she took the material, the other student council members straightened up and perked their ears.


What's going on?

Is this going to be a public execution?

No, please, not that.

However, his prayers were in vain as Tachibana calmly began to recite.

To the Student Council of the Advanced Nurturing High School:

Students cannot be without MAX Coffee, just as the West cannot be without Jerusalem.

Proposal 1: Increase the availability of MAX Coffee in school shops and vending machines. According to scientific research, sugar can effectively enhance learning efficiency (listing the benefits of sugar, omitting a thousand words).

Proposal 2: Establish hidden shops in the Keyaki Mall, such as Tenka Ippin and Tiger's Den (ramen brands), etc. This will surprise students, effectively increase their sense of happiness on campus, and improve learning efficiency.

(Listing contributions made by ramen to Japan in the 1930s, which can effectively increase happiness and maintain social stability, blah blah blah).

Proposal 3: Add a "Men Are Welcome" sign at the entrance of Pallet Cafe, which can help introverted males improve their communication skills.


I want to die, I really want to die.

So embarrassing to have written this.

Hikigaya barely managed to squeeze out an awkward smile.

He had been to Pallet Cafe before,

After all, it was a café, and he was hoping to find an alternative to MAX Coffee there, or maybe they had it directly.

But Pallet was full of girls, giving off an atmosphere of "boys not allowed."

If he hadn't occasionally seen a blonde guy walking in, he would have thought it was a women-only shop.

Anyway, he was just nitpicking at the school, it was his specialty.


Hikigaya wrote down more than a dozen proposals at once.

Such as installing elevators, providing regular psychological counseling for students.

‘Yes, it was targeted at that crazy guy with the fish head, he was really terrifying, how could the school let someone like that in?’

Boys need to protect themselves outside too, damn it!

"That’s akk."

Tachibana's throat was dry as she finished reciting after ten minutes, then she glared at Hikigaya, utterly despicable.

"Do you understand?"

Commander Horikita Manabu solemnly stated, "It seems that our student council has quite a few oversights. I didn't expect there to be so many problems."


Was he praising him?

Well, it turns out it wasn't a public execution, he almost got scared to death.

Hikigaya breathed a sigh of relief, while the surrounding student council members lowered their heads in shame.

To think they let a freshman find so many problems, it was simply the student council's negligence.

"But," Tachibana said with some dissatisfaction, "President, I think most of it is nonsense..."

This guy was really too much.

"Indeed, over ninety percent of it is nonsense," Horikita admitted, "But each one hits the mark, and that is a rare ability for one to have."


Hikigaya breathed a sigh of relief to himself.

Anyway, it seemed he had received high praise from the commander, so MAX Coffee should be fine.

Just then.

"MAX Coffee, huh..."

The blond-haired Nagumo jokes, "I remember it's a specialty from Chiba, I've had the fortune to taste it once, that stuff is so sweet it's sickening, I can't believe there are people who actually like drinking that stuff."


Hikigaya glanced at him with a deep gaze.

There are actually people who don't like MAX Coffee.


It's practically heresy.

He will not forgive anyone who disrespect MAX Coffee!

This man is a detestable existence.


He would not allow anyone to stop the ceremony for the birth of the MAX Coffee god.


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