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V1 Chapter 42: RL Idle Simulator

【Age 42: Due to extreme boredom, you began attempting to exercise your body. You once looked down upon this, believing human physical limits couldn't be surpassed, but now you fantasize about potentially becoming powerful enough to break down the obstacle blocking the cellar door.】

【Age 43: Unknowingly, you've built a muscular physique. With your medical skills, you could remove the burn marks Rosalyne left on your body, but you haven't. Whenever you see these scars, you remember Rosalyne's face.】

【Oddly, even though those scars had long since healed, you still occasionally felt a burning pain. According to your past medical experiences, you considered it phantom pain and didn't pay much attention.】

【Age 44: The candles in the cellar, when burned entirely, took a full 24 hours. You used them to calculate the date. It's been your fifth year living in the cellar. You've lost hope that anyone will come to rescue you.】

【Age 45: In a corner, you found a longsword that hadn't succumbed to rust. Although you never practiced swordsmanship, you observed Rostam's fighting style countless times to test his combat abilities. With your meticulous records and your body's improved condition from years of training, you began to imitate Rostam's techniques.】

【Rostam is the founder of the "Favonius Bladework," but unlike Liyue's "sword arts," the "Favonius Bladework" resembles combat techniques more than a fixed set of moves. It's about cutting, slashing, piercing, and repeating, keeping it simple.】

【So, every person's "Favonius Bladework" training differs. You, with no prior knowledge of swordsmanship, can only grasp the "form" but not the "spirit."】

【Age 46: You've achieved some proficiency in swordsmanship.】

【Age 47: Using Rostam's techniques as a base, you've developed a unique "Favonius Bladework" of your own, which you plan to name "Favonius Bladework: Wolf's Corpse" to commemorate your former friend, adversary, and most loyal subordinate.】

【Learned Skill: Favonius Bladework: Wolf's Corpse】

【Favonius Bladework: Wolf's Corpse】

【Level: B】

【Effect: Increases critical hit rate by 20%】

【Description: A swordsmanship derived from Rostam's techniques as an Undead. It has some differences compared to Rostam's style and is only considered intermediate swordsmanship. However, it's more than sufficient to handle regular swordsmen.】

To Li Xingshan's surprise, his character could still acquire skills, and even though it was only a B-level skill, he found it quite remarkable. Considering that the protagonist in this simulation had almost no exposure to martial arts in the first half of his life, the ability to create a new swordsmanship using remembered techniques was impressive.

【Age 48: You start to become gradually obsessed with swordsmanship.】

【Age 49: You unexpectedly find a mouse in the cellar, which brings you immense joy. This not only proves that there are living creatures nearby, but after a decade of solitude, it offers you a sliver of consolation.】

【Age 50: Your bodily functions don't deteriorate with age but instead become stronger (the effect of the talent "Growing Stronger with Age" activates).】

At last, this talent has come into play! Li Xingshan felt touched by this development. After all, it was his first time surviving past the age of fifty in the "Villain Simulator." It was quite an achievement.

【Age 51: Your body becomes even more robust, and even your once-white hair begins to turn gradually black (the effect of the talent "Growing Stronger with Age" activates).】

【Age 52: Every morning, you feel the strength of your body begin to improve (Talent: "Growing Stronger with Age" effect activated).】

【Age 53: Now, you can easily do a thousand push-ups (Talent: "Growing Stronger with Age" effect activated).】

【Age 54: You...】

"Wait a minute!" Li Xingshan suddenly interrupted and said, "How long do I have to be stuck here, anyway?"

According to the current condition of the main character in the simulator, it seems they can live longer than in reality.

Moreover, being trapped in the basement all this time, the plot hasn't had much actual development. It's getting a bit too boring to keep watching like this.

【The simulator's plot development cannot be predicted, and this system cannot provide spoilers.】

"So, do I have to keep watching like this?" Li Xingshan said with a helpless look, "Isn't there any 'fast forward' or something?"

【System calculations require time for the plot to progress. Fast-forward is not possible, but the host can enter 'afk mode'.】

"Afk mode?" Li Xingshan was somewhat puzzled, "Isn't real-time frozen during the simulation?"

【After activating afk mode, the time freeze will be released, and the simulator will run automatically. When encountering important events and situations that require choices, prompts will be given to the host.】

"Why didn't you mention this useful function earlier..." Li Xingshan said helplessly.

【I thought you might not ask.】

"Alright, alright..." Li Xingshan nodded and said, "Activate afk mode."

【Afk mode is now active.】

As expected, after activating the afk mode, the time freeze was immediately lifted. In Li Xingshan's field of vision, a semi-transparent "pop-up" window appeared, allowing him to monitor the progress of the simulator at any time, and if he didn't want to see it, he could simply close it. However, just as the system explained, the simulator's progress wasn't particularly fast during afk mode.

"Alright, I'll check it out tomorrow morning..."

Perhaps it was because the plot he had just experienced was too intense, at this moment, Li Xingshan felt a bit stifled in his chest, so he got up and decided to get some fresh air outside.

Meanwhile, in Keqing's room.

"Li! Xing! Shan! I'll kill you!"

With a teeth-gritting and angry voice, Keqing, who had been asleep, suddenly sat up in her bed. She was drenched in sweat and appeared extremely tense.

What's more, her eyes at this moment were filled with a murderous intent. This was the kind of murderous intent that only appeared in the eyes of those who had truly experienced numerous killings.

"Where is this..." However, facing the familiar room, the current "Keqing" displayed a hint of confusion on her face and murmured, "My room?"


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