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Chapter 16: Does the Doctor Show Double Standards Forever?

After hearing Fuxi and Nuwa's explanations, Ling Xi took a moment to think.

But after hesitating for a while, he said, "Nuwa, if... Doctor Mobius sent me a message to come find her, do you think I should go look for her now?"


Hearing Ling Xi's question, Nuwa seemed slightly surprised and asked, "Did Doctor Mobius really ask you to come?"


Ling Xi took out his phone and opened the chat interface, saying, "Here, take a look."

After the lunch he had with Mobius, he received a message from her, basically assigning him a task and asking him to come over in the afternoon if he was free. It was his original plan to do so since he had no classes in the afternoon. Therefore, he had come over as soon as he could.

However, he hadn't encountered Mobius but met Nuwa and Fuxi instead. These two had educated him about the dire consequences of interrupting Mobius' research!

As a result, Ling Xi felt uncertain. Should he follow Mobius' instructions and look for her, or... wait a bit longer and see if Klein or Mobius would come out.


Nuwa and Fuxi exchanged glances, and Nuwa finally said, "We're not entirely sure about this because normally, the doctor wouldn't reach out to us. Klein can handle everything for the doctor."

"How about we wait for a while? It's not even 1 PM yet."

Fuxi suggested waiting for a while. She understood Doctor Mobius' reputation well. Although much of her research might seem obscure, it included some significant studies. Interrupting her abruptly would be a waste.

"If it's just waiting a bit, that's fine," Ling Xi agreed.

Nuwa nodded thoughtfully, but then added, "However, when the doctor is engrossed in her research, she could stay in the lab for several days without leaving. So, I'm not sure how long she'll be in there this time..."


Fuxi hesitated for a moment, then looked at Ling Xi and said, "How about you give it a try?"

Ling Xi "..."

Did she just change her stance so quickly?

"There's another idea."

Nuwa suddenly came up with something and said, "Milk tea."

"Milk tea?"

Ling Xi seemed a bit puzzled.

"Yes, milk tea!"

Nuwa nodded with certainty, "Milk tea is the most wonderful thing in the world. Its sweet taste can dispel your troubles and lighten your mood. So, whenever you're feeling down, all you need is a cup of sweet milk tea to lift your spirits."


Ling Xi quickly interrupted Nuwa and asked, "So, how does this relate to the current situation?"

"It does."

Nuwa calmly explained, "The doctor likes milk tea, especially... pudding milk tea!"


Suddenly, Ling Xi seemed to understand something and said, "So, I buy milk tea and then go find the doctor. If she's in a bad mood, I can bribe her with milk tea. If she's in a good mood, I can use milk tea to strengthen our relationship. Is that what you mean?"

"Good job!"

Nuwa enthusiastically agreed.

"After you leave, turn left and walk about two hundred meters, and you'll find a place selling milk tea right next to the cafeteria," Fuxi added.

"Thanks, both of you!"

Ling Xi thanked them and decisively left to buy milk tea.

Following Fuxi's directions, Ling Xi arrived at the base's cafeteria. It was open 24 hours a day, so there were always people around. However, the menu varied depending on the era. Sometimes, late at night, there were only pre-packaged nutritional meals, the kind that you just needed to heat up and eat!

Of course, he wasn't here to buy a nutritional meal. His goal was...

"I love you, you love me, Mi Xue..."

Ling Xi heard the familiar jingle... Impressive!

While other ads boasted about their century-old heritage, passing down traditions from generation to generation, this one was claiming a legacy of fifty thousand years. What a feat!


Soon, Ling Xi returned with five cups of milk tea.

"Nuwa, Fuxi, I forgot to ask what flavors you prefer, so I got one of each flavor. Feel free to pick your favorite!"

Although Ling Xi was going to buy milk tea for Doctor Mobius, he wasn't stingy enough to just buy for her. Fuxi and Nuwa had helped him quite a bit just now, so it wasn't unreasonable to treat them to a cup of milk tea as a reward.

"Hey, are we included too? In that case, we won't hold back," Fuxi said as she saw Ling Xi had bought for all three of them. Although milk tea wasn't expensive, whether you bought it or it was given to you, the taste was the same.

So, the two girls didn't hesitate and eagerly chose their favorite flavors. Of course, pudding milk tea was strictly off-limits unless you wanted to experience what it felt like to be Doctor Mobius' experimental subject.

With the milk tea in hand, both girls eagerly inserted their straws and started drinking.

"Mmm, just as I expected, I love this taste, it's so sweet," Fuxi sighed with enjoyment after just one sip. Truly, sugar could bring pleasure.

"Yeah, agreed..."

Nuwa nodded in agreement.

"Um, would you like to come in with me? I'm a bit nervous by myself..."

Glancing at the door of Room 3, Ling Xi shifted his gaze to Nuwa and Fuxi. Although these two girls said that Doctor Mobius liked milk tea, what if she got really angry? At least they could share the blame together.

Nuwa "…"

Fuxi "…"

Suddenly, their milk tea didn't seem so appealing...

"Cough, of course, if you don't want to, it's okay."

Seeing the slight change in their expressions, Ling Xi quickly added.

"Forget it, let's go together."

In the end, Nuwa smiled and said, "After all, you're the newcomer here. It's only fair for us seniors to look out for you a bit. And... believe in the charm of milk tea!"

"Well then, thanks. I'll treat you to a meal later."

With Nuwa's agreement, Ling Xi smiled and promised, then carried his milk tea and headed towards Room 3.

Nuwa and Fuxi exchanged glances, then quickly followed suit, with Fuxi even racing ahead.

"Doctor, Sister Klein, are you in there?"

After entering the lab, Fuxi immediately called out to the two inside.


Doctor Mobius, sitting in the observation chair, turned around a bit helplessly, sounding somewhat annoyed, "Didn't I tell you not to... oh, Ling Xi, you're here. Come over, come over."

Saying that, Doctor Mobius smiled and quickly got up to greet Ling Xi.

"Sorry, Doctor. Did we disturb your experiment?"

Ling Xi wasn't quite sure about Doctor Mobius' thoughts, but apologizing first couldn't go wrong.

"Not at all."

Doctor Mobius quickly shook her head, smiling, "I haven't started an actual experiment. I was just doing a minor observational test. Even if it's interrupted, it won't affect the results."

"Uh... is that so?"

Ling Xi didn't know what to say for a moment. And... wasn't it just five seconds ago that she said Fuxi interrupted her experiment?

Fuxi "???"

Wait a minute. If it's not a big deal, Doctor, why did you say I interrupted your experiment just now? And furthermore...

Didn't Doctor Mobius never does double-standard? Why the change now?


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