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Chapter 49: Otto Replays the Game

Otto was waiting for good news.

In his view, the plan had already reached the point of no return, and everything had fallen into place.

Welt was in the Mediterranean, and the nearby Titan forces around the Anti-Entropy headquarters were rushing to reinforce him. With the remaining fragile defense forces, wouldn't it be a piece of cake for Amber to break into the Anti-Entropy headquarters?

Unfortunately, in order to make the fish take the bait, the bait had to be real and enticing. That's why Schicksal's system was truly paralyzed.

Otto had only repaired a part of the systems that maintained the floating base. As for external information, to some extent, he was now blind and unable to monitor the latest developments constantly.

While waiting, Amber's message came through the communicator.

"My Lord Bishop, the situation has changed."

Otto frowned. The situation changed? Could Tesla and Einstein create a reinforcement force out of thin air?

"What happened?"

"We are surrounded by Titan forces... Lord Sigurd requests to speak with you."

"...Give him the communicator."


So, the two of them picked up their communicators and once again faced each other through the distant space.

"Long time no see, Mr. Otto. Your moves are truly... impressive."

Impressive to the point where Sigurd's sanity almost dropped by half a level, and he almost declared to cut ties with Otto on the spot. But he restrained himself, realizing that it wouldn't be wise to break off relations now without a sure victory.

Otto raised an eyebrow nonchalantly, "Oh? Did I upset you too?"

Sitting on the shoulder of the Titan robot, Sigurd held the communicator, his face showing no emotion, but his heart was far from as calm as he appeared on the surface.

After witnessing the devastation and inhumanity, he now understood why Otto was so hated.

However, the fact that Otto hadn't been defeated yet also testified to his dreadful power. No one knew how strong Otto truly was, nor how many aces he still held. Dealing with such a person was like walking on a tightrope over a cliff.

"I'm just an ordinary person and can't reach your level. From my point of view, Mr. Otto, someday you will meet an unfortunate end."

Otto pondered for a moment, seemingly unaffected by Sigurd's rudeness. He had said from the beginning that they could be friends without interfering with each other's life-and-death struggles. Cursing him to die was just normal, as this kind of sentiment had been expressed to him many times over the past five centuries. What interested Otto more was:

"You accurately struck at the weak point of my plan. It seems you foresaw my true intentions in advance. When did you discover it?"

"After I handed over the data on the hidden portals."

"That's strange? Weren't you always browsing the Schicksal database with confidence in your own abilities? Why would you doubt the portals you found?"

"Confidence is one thing, but facing someone like you, Mr. Otto, I can't afford to be careless."

Sigurd sighed, but inside, he was secretly relieved.

At first, due to his intellectual superiority, he deeply analyzed the hidden portals.

Sigurd found that some of the hidden portals would compile hidden patterns of strings when data was transmitted, which could be traced back to the data source—there was a possibility of reverse tracking.

However, this was a necessary process to accelerate data transfer, a natural characteristic of data transmission paths, so there was nothing to suspect.

It wasn't until the night he handed over the hidden portal information to Welt that, after repeated deliberation, a series of clues finally connected, allowing Sigurd to glimpse Otto's deepest scheming.

It was truly a stroke of luck. If Sigurd had overlooked this minor doubt in the process of his analysis, Otto might have already achieved his goal.

Otto narrowed his eyes and said calmly, "I didn't expect my flaw was underestimating the intelligence of my friend. You saw the possibility of tracking in the hidden portals and thus speculated that I intentionally let you find those portals, using you as a tool to deliver the information to Anti-Entropy... Then, you guessed my target was Dr. Tesla and Dr. Einstein?"

"More or less."

"While you saw through my plan, you know you don't have the qualifications to engage me on the frontlines. So, for these few months, you deliberately reduced your presence, adopting an attitude of focusing on your research and not getting involved in the incident with Siegfried. Even until the Schicksal system was paralyzed, you were training new recruits hundreds of miles away without raising any suspicion... All of this was for this moment, to stop me at the most critical point with the least effort, when I couldn't react?"


Sigurd remained silent.

For some reason, Otto tended to be chatty during their conversations. He would often serve as a commentator, meticulously reviewing and analyzing Sigurd's thoughts and actions, and then giving evaluations, as if following a fixed procedure.

What Sigurd didn't know was that, at this moment, Otto had opened a book with obvious signs of being read, and the title of the book were — "100 Techniques for Dealing with Friends."

One page had bolded letters, saying: "In life and work, share your opinions and thoughts with your friends, genuinely praise their strengths, and offer constructive criticism for their weaknesses, in order to improve together."

After analyzing Sigurd's thought process, Otto applauded and sincerely praised, "Wonderful! Indeed, if you had revealed your intentions in advance and I noticed it, I might have changed my plans, and you might not have been able to react so promptly. To counter-plan is indeed the optimal solution."

"...Thank you."

Sigurd could only reply dryly, still not understanding Otto's thought process in the conversation.

Then, Otto suppressed his smile and casually said, "Vira Klov is currently recuperating with me."

"So, Miss Amber is also a guest of mine."

Sigurd responded calmly.

"Do you think I care?"

"I'm not sure. That's why I have another request. I have confirmed the possibility of the existence of souls."

And this was Sigurd's trump card that he had prepared for three months — an offer that Otto couldn't refuse.

As expected, when the word "soul" came out, Otto's pupils contracted, and he eagerly asked, "What do you want?"

"Stop the attacks on Siegfried and Welt, abandon the subsequent actions of annexing most of Anti-Entropy's bases... In short, let everything come to an end here."

"Deal. Report all of your reserach to me!"

"Miss Amber will deliver it. Also, those two clones, I don't really like them. Destroy them."


Otto agreed very readily.

Sigurd wasn't worried that he wouldn't keep his word because, as long as Otto wanted to obtain the subsequent research results, he wouldn't dare to go back on his promise.

It was a pity, as Vira was one of the key pawns Otto used to hold Sigurd back. Otto would never let it go, and this was an opportunity to take Vira back.

Sigurd ended the call, tossed the communicator back to Amber, and then threw a USB drive to her, finally letting out a long sigh of relief.

"Do you know what to do now?"

"Yes, Lord Sigurd, it was an honor to meet you. Then, goodbye."

With the USB drive in her possession, Amber gave Sigurd a bow and led her reluctant elite Valkyrie squad into the wind and snow.


On the Mediterranean battlefield, armies were ready, guns were loaded, and swords were unsheathed, confronting the towering flaming giant sword without backing down. The battle was about to begin.

"Skyfire... Huh?"

Sigurd had just released his giant sword and was about to strike a deadly blow when the army ahead suddenly came to a halt.

"Not good! The Grand Bishop just sent an urgent order to immediately return and defend the Sky Base. This is Anti-Entropy's plot!!!"

The leaders of each unit changed their colors and quickly issued the command to turn back.

In an instant, just like the first appearance, the massive army dispersed and disappeared abruptly.

"They... They're leaving just like that?"

Sigurd was dumbfounded as he reverted from his large sword form and staggered backward, with Welt supporting him just in time.

"It seems that Tesla and the others did something. Anyway, let's not worry about it now. Let's get out of here quickly!"

"Sure... Thank you... I feel... tired..."

Sigurd's head drooped, and he no longer responded.

Without bothering to check his condition, Welt quickly recreated the disposable rocket flyer they used to come here and carried Sigurd away, stepping over the fallen Shaniat sisters who were still pinned to the ground.

And so, this conflict came to an end abruptly and unexpectedly.


On this night, the people involved in the incident gathered in Anti-Entropy's backup base.

"I never expected that his target was not on my side but aimed at Tesla and Einstein. Without you, we would have really been in trouble... By the way, what are you doing now?"

Welt said with lingering fear as he looked at Sigurd.

Sigurd was tapping on a virtual screen and replied without looking up, "The Schicksal system is completely paralyzed. Otto is busy reading the report and doesn't have time to manage. The Schicksal database is transparent now, and I can search for information at will and leave hidden portals."

"Damn! Why didn't you say so earlier!"

Tesla suddenly shouted and without a word, took out her computer and started working.

She was frustrated by Otto's manipulation, and now she finally had a chance to take revenge.

Not wanting to disturb them, Welt turned to Einstein... Well, Einstein had already sensed what was happening early on, so she had been working all this time.

While the executors were busy, Welt, as the alliance leader, found himself idle and a bit awkward, so he stood up.

"I'll go check on Sigurd."


Sigurd was still in a coma.

There were no bandages on his body because his external injuries had automatically healed in his half-beast state. However, his body and head were connected to many wires, monitoring changes inside his body.

Kiana leaned against the window outside the sickroom, motionless, looking at her father.

"He's fine. The doctor said his body has passed the dangerous period, and now he just needs to rest."

"But Sigurd said, the thing we should worry about now is not his physical condition but his mental state. He may not want to wake up... Uncle Welt, what exactly did my father go through? What is it that he wanted to do?"

"...You're still young. You'll understand when you grow up."

Welt scratched his head in distress.

Why did Sigurd have to tell the little girl the truth? Couldn't he have come up with a well-intentioned lie?

Kiana was innocent and kind, and as they spent time together, Welt found it hard not to have a good impression of her.

Therefore, faced with Kiana's persistent gaze, Welt felt awkward and could only remain silent.

Kiana seemed to sense Welt's attitude and sighed, saying, "Forget it, I'll ask Sigurd later. Sigurd will tell me everything."

Her words were full of trust in Sigurd. It was as if she would believe anything he said, even if he told her the sky was red.

Then, Kiana continued to stare at Sigurd lying on the bed and ignored Welt.

Welt felt like he was being rejected.

It was like this in the living room and now in the sickroom.

Since Sigurd was still unconscious and it wasn't appropriate to stare at a grown man's sleeping face, Welt had no choice but to turn back.

As he passed a corner, he saw two girls sitting in the shadows: one had gray curly hair and was dressed in military attire, and the other had hair and eyes of two different colors.

The former had an expressionless face with a dark black background, while the latter leaned against the former's shoulder with a bright background of lilies in bloom.

Despite their intimate posture, something felt off in the atmosphere.

"Are you Cocolia's children?"

"You are the Anti-Entropy leader?"

Bronya asked expressionlessly, and if she had enough power, she would have already broken Sin Mal's arm... Sigurd had indeed lied to her. What did he mean by saying that Sin Mal was absolutely safe for her? She wasn't safe at all!

"Yes, just call me Welt."

"I heard that Anti-Entropy is poor?"

"Not at all, not at all."

"Anyway, Bronya has recently learned how to make money. I'll give you money. Help me pull her away."

Bronya pointed at Sin Mal and stared intensely at Welt.

Welt suspected he misheard, but when he looked at Bronya again, she was still in the same posture with the same expression... Although she could earn money now, she still didn't understand anything. He'd better not get involved in this.

So, Welt left, deciding to return to the living room.


"Sigurd, are you really not considering cooperating with me? If we work together, Welt's core is within easy reach."

"Forget it. I don't trust you. I will find a way to get it myself. Welt is nothing but a small obstacle."

"What a pity... Oh, he seems to be coming. Don't let him hear us. Goodbye!"


Welt closed the door stiffly and then reopened it.

In the living room, the three executors were still engrossed in their work.

"Sigurd, I think I just saw...," Welt hesitated.

"It’s all your illusion," Sigurd replied without looking up.

"No, I really saw...," Welt tried to explain.

"Using the Core of Reason for too long seems to harm the host's consciousness. Why don't you take it out, and I'll check it for you?"

"No need, it seems it was just an illusion."

Welt refused in a daze, but he saw the disappointment in Sigurd's eyes.

Illusion, my foot! Sigurd had been secretly interacting with Otto, and Welt was aware of that. But their conversation just now didn't seem like a joke, no matter how he looked at it.

Welt had a strange feeling that if he had handed over the Core just now, he would never get it back... Wait, how much is my Core worth that everyone wants it?

After closing the door, Welt went out to continue searching for a place to rest.

Maybe it's better to go back to teaching at Saint Freya. The environment there is simpler.


Sigurd worked diligently until late at night before he satisfiedly closed the virtual screens, stretched, and yawned.

"?(ˊ〇ˋ*)? Ha~"

He looked again, and Tesla and Einstein were still busy.

Actually, there were some valuable confidential information to be collected opportunistically. Although Otto had probably hidden the most sensitive parts in advance, there must still be some valuable information left. However, leaving a hidden portal wouldn't be of much use. After all, Otto was not a fool, and when he had time, he would eliminate them one by one.

Seeing Tesla so engrossed, Sigurd didn't disturb her and greeted Einstein before leaving the room.

He passed by Bronya and Sin Mal, who were snuggling together.

Sin Mal had fallen asleep, leaning against Bronya's shoulder, sleeping peacefully.

Bronya glared at Sigurd with intense gloomy eyes, but Sigurd ignored her and continued walking without stopping.

Bronya: "(▼皿▼#)!"

Then he saw Kiana, who was crouching in front of the window.

He reached out, patted her head, and Kiana instinctively turned her head to see Sigurd.


"It's late, why aren't you sleeping?"

"I can't sleep with Dad looking like that."

"Then don't sleep. With your constitution, it won't matter."

Sigurd said nonchalantly and went to the room that required palm print recognition. He fumbled for a moment and then conjured a spherical worker bee from the air, placing it on the palm print interface.

"Beep, beep, beep!"


The sealed room opened.

"Let's go, let's go in and take a look."

Sigurd walked in first, and Kiana followed closely.

They approached Siegfried's bed, and Sigurd casually picked up a monitor and read the numerical curve displayed on it.

Then he came to Siegfried's side, extended his hand, and opened his eyelids to take a look.

After that, he checked his breathing and heartbeat, among other things.

After a series of actions, under Kiana's nervous gaze, Sigurd calmly replied, "Rest assured, there's nothing wrong with his body. As expected of a Kaslana, hi's vitality is indeed quite strong... Can I perform an autopsy on him?"

"No!" Kiana instinctively crossed her arms and then saw Sigurd looking a bit disappointed. She hesitated and added, "At least, let's wait until Dad wakes up."

Kiana let out a sigh of relief, then frowned and asked, "So, what did Dad experience that made you worried he wouldn't want to wake up?"

"Do you really want to know?" Sigurd raised an eyebrow.


"Then be mentally prepared, it's quite cruel."

Kiana's gaze remained steadfast.

Sigurd raised a virtual screen.

"Huh? Why are there so many... and they all look like me?"

"Clones. They are grown in cultivation tanks, using specific human genes as templates, to create identical bodies like growing crops. However, in this world, souls exist. Due to the lack of technology to cultivate souls, most of them turn out to be lifeless shells, lacking any self-awareness that a human would have."

"Oh..." Kiana scratched her head, not fully understanding, but she deduced that those were her clones. Then she asked, "What about the ones with a different appearance?"

The familiar and warm face made Kiana guess something, causing her heart to race.

"Their original selves were Cocolia Schariac, who sacrificed during the Second Honkai War. She was Sigurd's wife and theoretically your mother."

"Mom! She's my mom! She's so beautiful, Sigurd, look, she's really beautiful! She's my mom!"

Kiana's eyes sparkled with tears of joy. She even ignored Sigurd saying "theoretically" and only believed that the woman in the hologram was her mother.

Excited like a child who received a beloved gift, she grabbed Sigurd's clothes, jumping with joy and pride, wanting to show off to him.

Sigurd patted her little head without revealing the truth.

But the following scenes might not be much better than the truth.

Kiana saw the most cruel images, the ones that broke Sigurd. The girl shrank slightly, tears in her eyes, and asked, "Why did they explode?"

"Because they were manipulated by bad people."

"You mean that guy with golden hair, who looks very cunning?"


After Sigurd confirmed, Kiana clenched her fist and said, "One day, I will beat that jerk to pieces!"

"I see, good luck on that, come find me if you need help."

"If that's the case, if Dad doesn't want to wake up, let him sleep a little longer. I'll take care of the rest... By the way, if Dad doesn't wake up, can I use his gun?"

"Well... There's a risk. I'll study it later, and when I make sure everything is okay, I will let you know."

Sigurd was reminded by Kiana and quickly put on the Judgement of Shamash on his waist, so he wouldn't forget to take it with him later.

Kiana looked at this scene dumbfoundedly and didn't say anything.

The two stayed in Siegfried's room until very late, until the night turned to dawn, and a new day arrived.

Siegfriedstill hadn't woken up.

Kiana turned back and looked at him sleeping. In an instant, it seemed like she suddenly understood something. She took a deep breath and followed Sigurd silently. Though she was quiet, there was something new in her eyes - perhaps, it’s maturity.


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