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Chapter 7: The Girl from the Boxing Gym

Chu Mu still remembers to this day that Xiao Bu used to have a snow globe as well. It used to be intact, glowing and singing. She had held it in her hands since the day she came to the orphanage.

Unfortunately, it was later taken and smashed by the group of kids led by Rivet Town's gang.

On that day, Xiao Bu cried for a long, long time. That snow globe seemed to hold extraordinary significance for her.

Chu Mu kept all of this in his heart, and now he wished he could immediately return to the orphanage and bring a gift to his sister!

A Shield could be bought, and it was truly worth it.

At this moment, Chu Mu had forgotten about his own hunger.

He raised his head and looked at Boulder Town.

Chu Mu had never liked this place before, finding it crowded, noisy, dim, and cramped.

But now, he strangely found this place somewhat endearing.

The people and things here were quite interesting.

Of course, except for the boxing gym that Chu Mu disliked the most.

As he passed by the boxing gym called "Combat Club" in Boulder Town, even though Chu Mu deliberately tried to avoid it, he was still spotted by the sharp-eyed owner.

"Hey! Chu Mu, the mad dog from Rivet Town!" The owner of the gym, Scott, exclaimed dramatically. He blocked Chu Mu's path and grinned, "Kid, when are you planning to come to our gym for some boxing? Your reputation will surely earn us a lot of tickets."

"I'm not interested." Chu Mu shook his head. "And, do you think it's reasonable to ask a six-year-old kid whether they want to box?"

"As long as both side agree to it, It's reasonable." Said Scott's, his tone is merry as he continued his word. "As everyone knows, the boxing ring in our Boulder Town is the fairest in the entire Lower District. We don't ask about origin, don't restrict race or gender, let alone laughable age! On the stage, a six-year-old's blade is the same as a twenty-six-year-old adult's blade, both can kill!"

"But the people wielding the blades are different, and their strength is different too." Chu Mu shook his head.

"I know, that's why I had already made some preparation, kid, listen, I can arrange a fair duels for you, so you don't need to worry about that. We already have a group of kids in the gym, and I can arrange it for you anytime!" 

"Where do you get so many kids from?" Chu Mu felt quite unhappy deep inside, but he couldn't help but ask.

"Heh, the Lower District lacks everything, except people. People die in the mines all the time, orphans and widows are always wandering, and there are even those who can't afford to feed their children and sell them to the gym, you wouldn't believe how many times a parent sell their child to me."

Sometimes, people would even sell their unborn child to him. 

Originally, Chu Mu didn't want to bother with this lunatic any longer, but he remembered something and continued with patience:

"Can I go in and take a look at those opponents you arranged for me?"

"Of course!" Scott's eyes lit up, thinking that Chu Mu was interested.

From the information that he had gathered previously, he knew that this kid was a money lover and would do any money-making activity.

This kid's talent was wasted in the mines; the boxing ring was more suitable for him!

In the end, his end would still the same! If this kid died in the mine, then that's that, but if he died in the ring due to a match, then at least he can gather some money.

With excitement, Scott led Chu Mu to the backstage. Chu Mu cast a glance at those kids and indeed spotted a familiar figure.

The girl with purple hair held a small knife made of iron pieces and practiced swinging it at the air in a corner.

Chu Mu approached and pulled her in front of himself.

"Seele, what are you doing here?"

"Boss? You're here too?" Seele, the girl's name, showed a delighted expression on her face and smiled, "The owner here said that if I win a match, he'll give me twenty Shields. And the opponent is a kid around my age too. When I heard that, it's like getting free money!"

After listening, Chu Mu's expression turned dark and somewhat terrifying. He sternly said:

"Don't say anything, come with me."

"Boss, that's twenty Shields!" Seele's expression turned regretful, but she obediently followed Chu Mu.

After all, to her, the boss's words were law!

Seeing Chu Mu approaching, Scott thought that Chu Mu had made a decision and said with a smile:

"Kid, have you already take a look at them all? I didn't lie right? the opponents here are kids your age, should you fight them, you'll definitely have the advantage! It's like picking up money from the ground!"

"Sorry, boss, both of us choose to withdraw." Chu Mu flatly refused and grabbed Seele, preparing to leave.

"Withdraw? What are you thinking? Do you think this is a charity event, where you can come and go as you please?" Scott blocked the two and his expression turned grim.

He pointed his finger at Seele and said:

"You can leave, kid, but this girl can't, she already signed a contract with me. She can't leave until she completes at least a match!"

As Scott spoke, several gym thugs gathered around, preparing to help Scott should the little kid tried to run away.

"Seele, tell me, did you really sign that contract?" Hearing Scott word, Chu Mu turned his head to look at Seele.

"I-I can't read," Seele's face turned pale, feeling immense fear. "He didn't mention all this before. He just asked me to fill in my name, saying he would pay me once I did."

"I understand," Chu Mu nodded gently and looked at Scott. "Then we'll have to stay and fight one match."

"Oh, you've finally come to your senses," Scott angry expression dissapeared, and with a smile, he continued. . "Since you know this girl, I'll arrange a match for you two. The audience loves to see siblings fighting each other the most! I'll double the reward for you both. Forty Shields, no, fifty, fifty for each of you!"

Upon hearing this, Chu Mu turned to Seele:

"Seele, did you hear that?"

"Yes, since it's trouble caused by me, Boss, you can take my portion of the money as a compensation." Seele's face showed a bitter expression.

Hearing their words, Scott scoffed inwardly.

When these two go on stage, only one will come out alive. The winner takes all.

The reason why the payment for a single match between kid like them is high is because they would pay with their life. 

"Well then, since you had agree to it, how soon would you want your match be? If you want to, I can arrange it so that the both of you can fight after a few hours, just so you can prepare yourself first, what do you guys think?"

"What do I think? I think you're a monster," Chu Mu said coldly.

In moments like this, his mood was incredibly calm.

The small knife in Seele's hand had silently ended up in his possession.

Seele seemed to understand what he was going to do and tightly held Chu Mu's other hand, her palm sweating.

"Hm? What did you say? I can't hear it clearly, say it again." Perhaps the gym was too noisy, or perhaps his hearing had gone bad due to his age, but Scott acted as if he didn't hear clearly and curiously leaned in.

"Go to hell, you old rat!"

In that instant, Chu Mu struck, stabbing his knife into Scott's right eye socket!

When the blade was pulled out, the originally crude iron piece come out with a white eyeball stuck in it.

In front of everyone, Chu Mu threw the eyeball onto the ground and stomped on it with force.

The sudden change left the onlooking thugs stunned.

Chu Mu gave Seele a forceful push toward the entrance and shouted:

"Seele! Run! Go find Oleg!"

Then he swung the small knife and charged towards the thugs.


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