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Chapter 42: Speculations About the Vision

Setting aside what's happening on the Snezhnaya front for now...

Over in Inazuma, Bai Luo was unaware that his colleagues had already set their sights on him, as he continued to enjoy a leisurely life there. 

The success of his light novel had earned him quite a bit of money, though it didn't mean much to him. 

After all, as one of the Harbingers of the Fatui, he considered the Northland Bank as his own.

He had initially thought that Yae Miko might find some excuse to withhold his royalties, or at least skim a bit off the top. 

But surprisingly, she generously handed over the full amount, even including some "licensing fees" for merchandise sales. 

Was she trying to give him more incentive to write the third volume of his novel? 

Or did she have some other purpose in mind? 

Bai Luo didn't know, but it made him even more cautious. 

Foxes are inherently elusive beings. 

As a Kitsune, Yae Miko's true age was beyond estimation. 

After living for so many years, even a fool could become exceptionally cunning, let alone an already clever fox.

Fortunately, Bai Luo had the advantage of being a transmigrator, with some knowledge of her personality and habits. 

Otherwise... he wasn't sure if he could outwit this fox.

"Sir, is it the same plan for tonight?" a subordinate from the Fatui asked, bowing respectfully at the door.

Since arriving in Inazuma, Bai Luo had done very little serious work. 

He either stayed in his room writing light novels or "discussed life" with General Kujou. 

Though many of the Fatui didn't approve of their superior's behavior, they kept their opinions to themselves. 

Besides, Bai Luo's relationship with Kujou Sara had sped up the Fatui's infiltration of the Tenryou Commission. 

Even the seemingly impregnable Kujou Encampment had been infiltrated by the Fatui.

After all, despite their vows to shed their last drop of blood for the Tsaritsa, who would choose to risk their life if they could survive instead?

"No, I'll eat outside today." 

The Fatui chef's skills were excellent, but only when it came to Snezhnayan cuisine. 

Bai Luo had grown tired of it and wanted to try something different. 

Plus, he felt like he had forgotten something important. 

He knew it was something crucial, but no matter how hard he tried to remember, it just wouldn't come to mind. 

Maybe a walk outside would help him recall.

Without inviting Kujou Sara or bringing any subordinates, Bai Luo left the small courtyard and strolled through the streets of the city. 

Although his light novel had brought some excitement to this otherwise quiet city, the buzz was like fireworks—quick to ignite but also quick to fade. 

Occasionally, he still saw people engrossed in his book, but the city was no longer as abuzz as it had been in the early days. 

After all, the Vision Hunt Decree still loomed over everyone.

"What should I eat? Kitsune Ramen?" Bai Luo wandered the streets, inhaling the aroma of food in the air. 

He set aside his thoughts for the moment and focused on finding something to eat. 

But a sudden commotion changed his mind.

Humans have a natural curiosity for spectacle—psychologists call it behavioral mechanics. 

In an era like this in Inazuma, where entertainment was scarce, reading light novels was already considered the peak of amusement. 

So when they heard about something exciting happening, they naturally wouldn't pass up the opportunity. 

Like flies drawn to the scent of blood, a crowd surged towards the source of the disturbance.

"Excuse me, boss, what's happening?" Bai Luo asked, grabbing the owner of a snack stall who was about to abandon his stand to join the crowd.

"There's a strange oni over at Hanamizaka, causing a ruckus by scribbling all over the notice board. The Tenryou Commission caught him in the act, and it looks like there's going to be a fight," the vendor eagerly shared, not at all annoyed by Bai Luo's interruption. 

Clearly, he was someone who loved to gossip.

"Oni?" Bai Luo was taken aback, and a figure flashed in his mind, complete with a distinctive voice.

"Yes, he often hangs around Hanamizaka. Thankfully, he doesn't come to this part of town, or he'd turn the place upside down." 

Oni didn't have a great reputation among humans, and this snack vendor couldn't even specify what heinous deeds that oni might have committed. 

But in his mind, oni and kindness were never in the same sentence.

"Aren't you afraid he might hurt someone?" Bai Luo asked.

"Of course not!" The vendor confidently pulled a few pieces of fried tofu from his sleeve. "As long as I have these, no matter how fierce he is, he'll keep his distance. Oni are terrified of beans!"

With that, the vendor hurried off towards Hanamizaka, unable to contain his excitement any longer. 

Bai Luo joined the crowd heading in the same direction.

"I'm not breaking any laws! I was just challenging that Tengu! You think a mere city commission can—hey! Don't touch my horn, you punk! And you, kid! Stop throwing beans at me! You're going to get someone killed!" 

From afar, Bai Luo could already hear Arataki Itto's unmistakable loud voice.

It was strange. 

Many people had become despondent or even completely changed in personality after losing their Visions. 

Yet, even after Kujou Sara confiscated his Vision, Arataki Itto remained as lively as ever. 

Other than being unable to use elemental powers, he hadn't changed at all.

This reminded Bai Luo of his research back in Snezhnaya. 

To hide the fact that he had special powers despite not having a Vision, he had borrowed the title of "Dottore," one of the Fatui Harbingers, to investigate information related to the Vision. 

Dottore had been intrigued by his investigation and even conducted some research of his own. 

Bai Luo remembered something Dottore had once told him.

Even when obtaining a Vision, not everyone was the same. 

Some people might not care much about the Vision; perhaps they obtained it out of a desire to study it, and it simply appeared. 

Or maybe they felt something on their journey and found a Vision lying nearby. 

For this group, the Vision was just a tool, nothing more.

But others were different. 

They craved power, desired the attention of the gods, and longed for a Vision. 

This intense desire drew the attention of the gods, and thus, they were granted a Vision. 

This group valued their Visions immensely, sometimes investing their entire being into them. 

Perhaps this was why, when they lost their Vision, it felt like losing everything.

Of course, this was just Dottore's speculation. 

He was far more obsessed with the Delusion than the Vision. 

More than once, he had suggested Bai Luo abandon his research on Visions and join his ranks instead. 

However, Bai Luo had politely declined, citing his debt to "The Rooster" as a reason.

Bai Luo knew that if Dottore hadn't wanted to offend The Rooster, he probably wouldn't have been able to shake him off so easily.

Squatting down, Bai Luo petted a dog wagging its tail at him from the roadside, smiling as he did so. 

If he had agreed to join Dottore, he probably wouldn't have had the chance to rise to the rank of Harbinger. 

Instead, he'd be like this dog, begging for scraps on the side of the road.

Wait... a dog?

Bai Luo's smile gradually stiffened as he remembered what he had forgotten—the white cat! 

He had been so focused on completing his new job tasks that he had completely forgotten about the cat. 

Was it still stuck in that tree at the training ground?


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