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Chapter 149: The Model Worker’s Future

Ten minutes later, a mysteriously appeared beach volleyball court.

Mei stood on one side of the court, utterly bewildered, while next to her, Kiana, Rozaliya, and Liliya were stretching.

On the opposite side, led by Sin Mal, who wore an extremely healthy smile, were a timid Seele and a lifeless Wendy.


From the referee’s high chair in the middle, Bronya, dressed in a blue children’s one-piece swimsuit, blew her whistle expressionlessly, holding up a volleyball:

“The first Anti-Entropy beach volleyball tournament, the rule is that anyone who leaves the court is out. The side with all members out first loses, and the other side wins. Besides not using weapons other than the body, there are no rules. By any means necessary, the winner takes all!”

After explaining the rules, Mei seemed to see Bronya’s sly smile, as if enjoying the chaos.

Then, she finished understanding Bronya’s rules, her mouth twitching.

‘As expected, she just wants to stir up trouble!’

"Just wait! I’ll return that ball a hundred times over!"

“Hah! What can a stupid girl with a fish brain like you do? today I’ll smash your head!”

The two main opponents, burning with fighting spirit, completely missed Bronya’s mischievous intent.

Then Bronya served, the ball’s trajectory slightly tilted, landing not too hard on a bewildered Seele’s head.


Startled, Seele took a few steps back and ended up sitting outside the court.


“Seele is out!”

Bronya announced emotionlessly.

The only two sane ones, Mei and Wendy, both had black lines on their faces.

Who didn’t know that you and Seele are the closest? This is blatant cheating!

However, the two main players seemed only to have eyes for each other, completely oblivious to Bronya’s partiality.

"Ahahaha! One’s out even before we started, what are you going to fight me with, Simbalah!"

"Shut up! I never counted on that one’s fighting ability. Sin Mal alone is enough to take you all down!"

"Oh ho! Big talk!"

"You’ll find out soon enough!"

Sin Mal picked up the volleyball, grinning ferociously, an endless dark aura seemed to emanate from behind her.

Rozaliya and Liliya high-fived.

"Liliya, it’s time to show everyone the power of the Vodka Sisters!"

"Exactly, Sister Rozaliya."

Then Sin Mal tossed the volleyball high, jumped up tens of meters into the air, and fiercely spiked it.


The volleyball landed like a meteor, and if Mei’s eyes didn’t deceive her, the ball even seemed to be wrapped in flames from the friction with the air.

Mei crossed her arms to shield her face, closing her eyes to protect against the flying sand.

A minute later, Mei was brushing the sand off her body, and their side of the court looked like a small meteor crater.

Rozaliya and Liliya lay motionless on the sand a dozen meters away, both extending their right hands forward, index fingers pointing ahead, lying peacefully.

"Comrade Rozaliya! Comrade Liliya! Damn it, how dare you do this to my comrades? Simbalah, you’re dead!"

Seeing the eliminated Vodka sisters, Kiana gritted her teeth, picked up the volleyball, and seemed to be engulfed in flames.

She tossed the ball high, jumped, and spiked the volleyball with tremendous force, hitting Sin Mal at a speed too fast for the naked eye to catch.





The wind blew left and right, and soon the court was riddled with craters, the net in the middle long since disintegrated in the aftermath.

Bronya had also disappeared from the referee's seat, joining Sigurd in the distance who were enjoying Seele’s attentive feeding service to watch the spectacle.

Mei and Wendy stood on the sidelines, exchanging looks of disbelief.

Wendy: "Maybe we should leave too."

Mei: "Alright... let's take Rozaliya and Liliya with us, it’s getting dangerous. They’ve gone crazy."

The two carried the Vodka Sisters away from the court to Sigurd’s observation area.

"Did you tamper with that volleyball?"

Wendy asked with a black face as she set Liliya down.

Sigurd glanced at her and nodded.

"Specially made, resistant to impact, wear, and disintegration."

"Damn! I knew it wasn’t normal! Are you just watching a monkey show?"

"Not exactly. Mainly, they have too much energy, and I needed a way to burn it off."

"Wow... you’re really awful!"

"Do you want to be strung up?"

"Sorry! I mean, what a great idea!"

Wendy quickly backed down.

She couldn’t win in a fight against Sigurd, and admitting defeat was embarrassing but being strung up was worse—given the two options, she chose the lesser evil.

Seele and Mei joined hands to settle the dazed Vodka Sisters under a parasol, applying ice packs to help them recover.

Then, they prepared fruit platters, juice, ice cream, and jelly, delivering these refreshing treats to everyone—showing impressive hospitality.


While the others enjoyed a leisurely beach holiday, Kiana and Sin Mal’s battle grew more intense, continuing until sunset.

“Caw! Caw! Caw!”

Seagulls flew overhead, while Kiana and Sin Mal lay on the shore, panting, glaring at each other stubbornly.

But they had no energy left to continue.

At this moment, shadows loomed over them—Sigurd and Bronya had come over.

“Had enough?”

Sigurd squatted down, poking Kiana’s soft cheek, then Sin Mal’s cheek.

Kiana rolled her eyes.

“Let’s call it a day. I’m hungry, I’ll teach her a lesson next time.”

“Big words!”

“Can’t hear, can’t hear! Turtles saying proverbs, I don’t listen, I don’t listen! Lalala~~”

“Stupid tuna!”

Sigurd patted Sin Mal’s head.

In the next second, her angry and fierce expression vanished, and she nuzzled his hand, blinking adorably.

“Sigurd, I want a hug!”


Sigurd picked up Sin Mal.

He rarely did this, and suddenly realized how light she was, her soft and warm touch instinctively making him want to hold her tight.

"Eat more, you’re too light, it’ll be hard to grow taller."

"Do you like taller girls, Sigurd?"

Sin Mal blinked her eyes, softly asking.

At the same time, Kiana and Bronya's ears twitched.

Sigurd tilted his head, thought for a moment, and said:

"If you're asking about romantic preference... not necessarily. I think it’s more about being a good match."

"So, what type does Sigurd find suitable?"

"Someone who is easy-going, considerate, and doesn't cause trouble."

"That's totally me!!!"

"No it’s not."


Sin Mal laughed foolishly, snuggling into Sigurd's arms, her smile especially sweet.

Kiana gritted her teeth, her eyes turning red.

Meanwhile, Bronya touched her chin.

Easy-going, considerate, and not causing trouble—that… perfectly described her?

Could it be that Sigurd was subtly confessing his feelings for her!?

Bronya’s heart start to hammer in her chest, but then she heard Sigurd calmly instruct:

"Take Kiana, let’s head back."


Bronya responded woodenly. She extended her foot under Kiana, lifted her up, and slung her over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Whoa! Be gentle!"

"Stop whining and behave, or I’ll toss you into the sea."

Bronya said coldly.

She realized she had overthought it. Would Sigurd ever confess? It was more likely that they’d defeat the Honkai tomorrow and everyone in Anti-Entropy could retire peacefully.



"When we get back, I’m planning to give everyone a lesson on physiology. You’ll be my assistant."

"Understood! I’ll prepare the materials and classroom right away."

Bronya nodded expressionlessly, always dependable and obedient.

Sigurd nodded in satisfaction.

This couldn't be delayed. These girls were quite naive, and some basic knowledge, no matter how awkward, was essential.

He couldn't watch over them all the time. If an unworthy individual took advantage, it would be too late to rectify it, and he wouldn't be fulfilling his role.

So, a lesson it is.

Additionally, there were other tasks to attend to:

The "Divine Melody" technology, which he had asked the Book of Fuxi and Fu Hua to organize, needed to be reviewed;

The sub-systems of the Hive System had been significantly upgraded, but Icarus, the intelligent center, needed further enhancement, and the "Consciousness Network" technology from Otto could complement it;

The "Xuanyuan Sword" had been obtained but not yet studied. It seemed Ji Lin's soul was still dormant inside, requiring further investigation;

The ruins of Yae Village had been secured without Otto’s knowledge. The "Key of Erosion," the black box sealing Yae Sakura and Higokumaru, also needed to be acquired soon;

The ongoing revision of the "Information-Origin Theory" had reached the practical stage. Involving resurrection, Otto should be consulted on the feasibility of time-space traversal from the quantum realm. He would be eager, which would also keep him occupied and facilitate Anti-Entropy's development;

Additionally, Vera needed a visit, possibly with Kiana, as Sigurd's current abilities could protect her;

Kiana's Herrscher identity, Seele’s emerging second personality, Anti-Entropy’s future development, the unified strategy against the Honkai, Kevin, Durandal, Tianwu Chen, Anna Shariac...


Under the setting sun, Sigurd sighed heavily.

Why, when everything seemed to be going well, did he feel like there were more and more tasks piling up?


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