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Chapter 8: Feels Like a Dream

“Wow!” Pela exclaimed as they entered a large warehouse. 

She covered her mouth in awe at the array of items around her.

“This is a genuine piece by Master Mytel!”

“And this... ‘Warmth in the Snow - Belobog’? The name sounds so familiar. Signed by... Alisa Rand! It’s the very book written and published by the first Supreme Guardian during the tumultuous times of Belobog's reconstruction after the Great Cold. It played a significant role in that era of fear and chaos. It's incredible that it's preserved so well.”

“Wait! This isn't a published book? It's a manuscript! Is this Alisa's original handwriting? Although it's not the original written by her hand, it's still incredibly valuable!”

Pela was dazzled by the numerous precious items and their annotations in the display cases. 

The sheer quantity and value of the items far exceeded her expectations. 

Her eyes were drawn to a central display case, housing something seemingly more valuable than the rest.

“What’s this?” Pela approached it.

Inside was a peculiar small bag of purple and white, with a surface that looked like a mix of metal and some kind of leather. 

She read the note on the display case aloud, almost whispering.

“Absolute Balanced Nutrient Bag, material unknown. When worn, it can absorb and decompose food, storing it and then converting it into perfectly suitable nutrients for the human body, delivered directly in an incomprehensible way, perfectly and excellently meeting daily intake needs.”

Pela's eyes widened. 

What was this? 

This sounds like something that would come straight out of a novel.

“It should be an ancient relic from before the Eternal Freeze, a time when Belobog was very advanced and engaged in interstellar trade,” Luo Yu explained beside her.

Pela seemed flustered. “This is too precious, Mr. Luo Yu. I can't accept it.”

Luo Yu waved his hand, his expression serious. “All of these items are very valuable. That's precisely why they belong in a museum, rather than gathering dust in a private collection.”

Actually, these items had appeared as rewards from gifts...

The system was mysterious, even beyond the comprehension of time, so calling it an ancient relic seemed reasonable, right?

Pela looked at the collection, feeling both thrilled and troubled. 

The number and value of these items were overwhelming. 

She had expected Mr. Luo Yu to donate a few items, thinking that even three to five noteworthy pieces would have delighted her. 

But now, this warehouse held at least a hundred display cases, each more precious than she could have imagined, enough to start a museum.

This immense generosity left her at a loss for how to repay him.

Seeing her indecision, Luo Yu gave her an encouraging smile.

Pela felt her heart waver under his warm, understanding gaze, like that of a kind elder. She felt embarrassed by her growing dependence on his kindness, yet part of her was tempted to accept even more.

No, no! Pela quickly pushed the thought away. 

How could she think that way?

After a long internal struggle, although she quelled the thought, her heart had already tilted. 

She ultimately accepted the overly generous donation.

“Thank you, thank you so much.” Pela bowed repeatedly, her cheeks flushing with a mix of gratitude and guilt. 

She promised to display the donation's significance with the exhibits and to help Luo Yu with anything he might need in the future.

“If it's anything that goes against the Silvermane Guards' duties, I can't do it.” 

Pela hastily continued, feeling she might have been too blunt. “But if there's anything that needs to be done discreetly, you can ask me privately. I'll do my best to help, even if I can't use the authority of the Silvermane Guards.”

What am I saying?!

Immediately, Pela regretted her words. 

She was talking about shady dealings with someone as upright as Mr. Luo Yu.

“You're a bit too excited, Miss Pela. I wouldn't do anything improper,” Luo Yu reassured her with a calming tone. “For now, get familiar with the collection. These items are all yours, but you'll need to know them well to transfer and display them properly.”

Giving gifts to the right person would maximize the benefits he got.

These items would be seen as trash by someone like Seele.

“Yes! I will treat them well!” Though she had already agreed, Pela responded again earnestly, straightening up and affirming her commitment.

All of this is for me…

She looked at the collection, still feeling like she was in a dream, with a mix of embarrassment and guilt.

But soon, Pela was engrossed in examining the various treasures, flitting from one display to another, her eyes sparkling with fascination.

She was so absorbed that she momentarily forgot about Luo Yu standing nearby.

“So beautiful…”

Pela leaned in close, supporting herself on her knees, her eyes fixed on a display case, murmuring to herself in awe.

“Ahem.” Noticing Luo Yu out of the corner of her eye, Pela realized she had been ignoring him for a while. 

Flustered, she quickly stood up, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, her blush spreading to her ears.

“Sorry, that was rude of me.”

"It's okay," Luo Yu didn't mind.

"Miss Pela, you really are passionate about these items. Understanding all these uncommon things is not easy."

Pela felt a bit embarrassed, "Actually, I didn't know much at first."

She smiled, her eyes showing nostalgia and warmth.

"I was influenced by my mother. She was a member of the Snowfield Expedition Team, exploring the unknown, searching for items or history buried by the Eternal Freeze. Although I never met her, I saw many things related to her and the team."

"Initially, I was just trying to find and understand more about my mother, but gradually, it became a habit. I was drawn to these things themselves and began to understand why my mother joined the expedition team."


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