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Chapter 151: Assignment

"Mr. Cao, take care!"

"Boss Zhao, there's no need to see me off. The Food Critique Magazine reviews are about to start. If our acquaintance is known by someone with ulterior motives, it wouldn't be good. You don't need to see me off. As for what you mentioned, I'll help you."

Zhao Fenglai had been waiting for this response. He bowed, "Mr. Cao, your kindness, Fenglai Pavilion will always be your friend."

After Cao Pingzhi left, Zhao Fenglai slowly withdrew his flattering smile and glanced in the direction of Small Shop, his eyes clouded with some gloom.

Seeing Xu Changling, the Prime Minister, in Small Shop, he naturally didn't dare to employ any underhanded methods against Small Shop. But if it’s a normal business competition, even the Prime Minister couldn't say anything about it.

He couldn't go to Small Shop himself, but it wasn't difficult to gather information.

He gave 200 Gold Coins to a trusted confidant and asked him to taste the dishes at Small Shop and report back to him.

Although he was certain that the prices at Small Shop were just for show, and he even felt that his 200 Gold Coins were going to be waster, with Qi Han's "lack of background" fresh in his mind, Zhao Fenglai still hedged his bets.

However, when the confidant returned, his expression was extremely ugly, and the news he brought back made Zhao Fenglai's expression turn ugly too.

Every single dish at Small Shop was more delicious than any dish in his own restaurant?

This confidant had been with him for decades; there was no need for him to lie, but Zhao Fenglai wished he was lying.

How the hell was he supposed to deal with this?

Luckily, the Food Critique Magazine evaluations were about to start. Small Shop had only recently opened, and its reputation wasn't prominent yet. There was still hope for him.

If he waited a while longer, when Small Shop gained more recognition, his Fenglai Pavilion would undoubtedly be greatly affected.

Damn it, where did those two little pests from the Qin family find such a figure?

Zhao Fenglai's request to Cao Pingzhi was also quite simple: don't let any dish from Small Shop be included in the Food Critique Magazine.

This was all Zhao Fenglai could do, hoping that this approach would suppress Small Shop a little.

If it couldn't, he had no other options.

If Qi Han had no background, Zhao Fenglai could easily use underhanded mean to kick him out of the catering business, but now, he didn't dare to use any underhanded methods against Small Shop.

If he angered Prime Minister Xu, he would truly be finished.

Cao Pingzhi touched the jade in his pocket and smiled.

Boss Zhao was quite savvy; this jade alone was worth at least 1.000 Gold Coins, right?

Truly generous.

As for the favor he asked, it was a trivial matter for Cao Pingzhi.

Walking slowly, he returned to the Food Critique Magazine's editorial department.

The Food Critique Magazine evaluations were about to begin, and this was the final mobilization meeting for the reviewers.

The editorial department of the Food Critique Magazine consisted of dozens of reviewers and their editor-in-chief. During the evaluation week, these dozens of reviewers would go to various places in Star Luo City to taste and rate the food, and then the editor-in-chief would compile the ratings into the new issue of the Food Critique Magazine.

Cao Pingzhi being assigned to the forefront each time on the bustling street of Morning Star in Star Luo City had its reasons.

Let's not discuss his character for now, but he indeed had excellent writing skills. His food reviews were very enticing, making him stand out among the reviewers.

The chief editor, named Mu Liufeng, was a rather handsome middle-aged man. He looked at the crowded conference room with a smile. "Let's begin the meeting."

"Tomorrow marks the biannual Food Critique Magazine evaluation week. As usual, I remind all the reviewers to maintain a fair and impartial attitude, without bias or personal interests."

"The main purpose of this meeting is to allocate the areas each reviewer will be responsible for."

With that, Mu Liufeng took out a piece of paper and began reading.

"Cao Pingzhi, Morning Star District."

As expected.

A hint of a smile appeared on Cao Pingzhi's face as he glanced at a somewhat disgruntled man sitting opposite him.

"Lin Lang, Flowing Moon District."

Lin Lang was the somewhat disgruntled middle-aged man. Knowing that he was once again assigned to the Flowing Moon District, he looked at Cao Pingzhi with some dissatisfaction.

The Flowing Moon District was considered the second busiest street in Star Luo City.

The quality of the assigned districts didn't have much influence, and Lin Lang's dissatisfaction wasn't due to that.

It was because his home was near the Morning Star District, and it was inconvenient for him to travel back and forth every evaluation week.

Coincidentally, Cao Pingzhi lived near the Flowing Moon District.

Because of this, Lin Lang had thought several times about discussing with the chief editor to switch the districts between himself and Cao Pingzhi.

Both would be assigned to districts near their homes, which would be beneficial for everyone. But Cao Pingzhi didn't agree. He had already developed his network in the Morning Star District, and the benefits provided by the merchants during evaluation weeks were enough for him to live comfortably. Naturally, he wasn't willing to give up these advantages.

Cao Pingzhi was unwilling, so Lin Lang couldn't say much more. But from then on, the two had some conflicts.

In Cao Pingzhi's eyes, Lin Lang was a fool. The Flowing Moon District also had its benefits, so why did he have to insist on taking the Morning Star District from him?

Something was wrong with him.

Lin Lang was an honest man. It couldn't be said that he was extremely upright, but at least he is fair in his evaluations, but his writing skills were slightly lacking compared to Cao Pingzhi's. Therefore, he always lagged behind Cao Pingzhi in performance evaluations.

Unfortunately, the chief editor insisted on allocating districts based on performance. Can you imagine how frustrating that is?

After the meeting, Lin Lang returned home to the Morning Star District in a huff. Seeing his wife and children at home, his frustration slowly dissipated.

Well, it's just a week. It'll be over soon. When the new issue is published, the bonus from the editorial department will be mine.

Lin Lang and his wife, Li Qinyue, had a son and a daughter. His son was older, already 18, while his daughter was only 12. The couple had decent salaries, making them middle-class in Star Luo City.

When Lin Lang mentioned that the next week would be another evaluation week, his daughter, Lin Yueru, pouted. "Daddy, does that mean you won't be able to have dinner with us for the next week?"

Hearing this, Lin Lang's eyes showed some remorse.

During the Food Critique Magazine evaluation week, it was natural that he couldn't come home for dinner.

He would have much less time to spend with his family.

His son, Lin Yunfeng, was more understanding. He patted his sister's head and smiled. "Dad, since you won't be able to have dinner with us for the next week, why don't we go out for some good food tonight?"

It was a good idea. Seeing the anticipation on his daughter's face, Lin Lang gave his son an approving look.

"Shall we go to Fenglai Pavilion or Gentle Sea Restaurant?"

Lin Lang mentioned these two because they were the best in the Morning Star District, besides Moonlight Pavilion. However, Moonlight Pavilion's craftsmanship had declined recently, so Lin Lang didn't consider it.

Lin Yunfeng grinned. "Dad, don't you know? Moonlight Pavilion has changed hands, and a new restaurant called Small Shop has opened in its place. I heard their dishes are excellent. How about we go and try it together?"

"Oh?" Lin Lang's interest was piqued when Lin Yunfeng mentioned it. "Then let's go try it together."


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