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Chapter 46: The Emperor of Sargon

“Azir? Who is that?”

Even though his body was restrained by Garde, the Sand Soldier’s face remained filled with loyalty and fanaticism for the emperor.

“I am the Sand Guard of His Majesty the Emperor. From the moment I awakened, I have only been loyal to His Majesty the Emperor!”

“You mean the Emperor of Sargon?”

“Of course. As a citizen of Sargon, how dare you attack me, the Emperor’s envoy? If you are willing to serve His Majesty, I can overlook your current rudeness!”

Hearing the Sand Guard’s words, Garde looked puzzled. Could it be that he had misunderstood? Was the Sand Guard’s existence merely a special form of Originium Arts?

The Azir Garde mentioned was an emperor, but not the Emperor of Sargon. He was the Emperor of a nation called Shurima in another world. 

Azir possessed the power to control yellow sand, and his army was made up of soldiers formed from this sand. That’s why Garde mistook the Sand Guard before him as one of Azir’s soldiers.

If he were truly one of Azir’s sand soldiers, how could he not know the name Azir? 

Maybe Garde had indeed made a mistake. If Azir had descended into this world, Sargon would no longer be called Sargon but Shurima. 

The only one who cared about Shurima more than Renekton is Azir himself.

On the other side, Saria had already dealt with all the incoming enemies. Their weapons and equipment were new, but their skills were mediocre, not even as good as the elite troops Saria brought from Rhine Lab.


In the small town, a firework burst in the sky, signaling the black market owners’ plea for help. Though Saria could easily defeat the attacking enemies, it didn’t mean those black market owners could handle it. Moreover, those black market owners might not even be the real ones.

“Crocodile man, should we help them?”

Saria knew little about Sargon. Before making a move, she preferred to seek the opinion of Garde, the “local.”

“No, it has nothing to do with us.”

Garde looked at the Sand Guard beneath him. In his memory, the Ibut Lord Ameer should not have orchestrated this. The only noticeable change since entering the hot lands was the influence Garde brought, which had even reached Rhine Lab in far-off Columbia.

The Ibut Lord Ameer’s change might be related to this Sand Guard who was loyal to the Emperor of Sargon.

“Sand Guard, what is your purpose here?”

After restraining the Sand Guard, the wind and sand gradually stopped. Garde used a bit of Ascension Power because he discovered that this power could almost counter all Originium Arts. 

The only regret was that Garde couldn’t use the Ascension Power freely yet. The most he could do now was gather a small amount of Ascension Power in his hands while fighting, which he learned by mimicking Saria’s arm encased in calcium.

Maybe he should learn some techniques for using Originium Arts. Although the nature of the energy was different, the methods of using it could be borrowed.

The Sand Guard looked at Garde without any intention of hiding anything.

“The chiefs of the Empire are indulged in money and power. The glory and traditions of the Empire are crumbling under the betrayal of traitors. His Majesty cannot bear to see this happen, so she awakened the Sun Disc and awakened us.”

“The Golden City will ride through natural disasters, the light of the Sun Disc will illuminate the entire land, and Terra will tremble under our will.”

“Warrior of Adakrys, if you have not forgotten the glory of your ancestors, you should swear allegiance to His Majesty. Under the Empire’s banner, there should be your presence.”

The strength of an empire requires not only an enlightened monarch but also a group of citizens willing to sacrifice for it. 

The Sand Guard could only operate where the Sun Disc shone. The newly awakened Sun Disc couldn’t spread its light across all of Terra yet. 

Therefore, His Majesty needed a group of subjects willing to fight for him, and the Adakrys man before him, who subdued him with one move, was very suitable to be a general.

“Sorry, I refuse!”

Garde refused the Sand Guard’s proposal without hesitation. He was Garde, not Renekton, and even if he were Renekton, the country he swore allegiance to would be Shurima, not Sargon.

Garde had no intention of submitting to anyone, even if the person controlling the sand soldiers was truly the Azir.

Although he had denied the existence of Azir in his mind, the presence of the Sun Disc in the Sand Guard’s story made Garde’s heart waver. Why would this world have a Sun Disc? How could this world have a Sun Disc?

The Sun Disc is a symbol of Shurima’s existence, the source of Ascension Power, and Shurima’s greatest legacy. How could Sargon have a Sun Disc? If Sargon had the Sun Disc, why hadn’t it unified Terra? In thousands of years, they could have created several fully-fledged Ascended beings.

Perhaps he should find Sargon’s Golden City and see for himself whether the so-called Sun Disc was the one in his memory or merely a counterfeit.

“No, wait until I’m stronger.”

Garde murmured to himself. Initially, the only thing driving him forward was the Sea Beasts, but honestly, he didn’t consider those creatures a real threat. 

As long as he continued to level up and master the Ascension Power, the Sea Beasts would be no problem at all.

But now, a Sand Guard suddenly appeared, possibly related to the Desert Emperor Azir, and Sargon was involved with the Sun Disc. This heightened Garde’s sense of crisis to an unprecedented level.

The world might not be as simple as he had imagined. If his existence was not unique, then he had to accelerate the speed of his progress!

With this thought in mind, the fierceness in Garde’s eyes intensified, and the Ascension Power in his hand surged, making the Sand Guard’s face show a look of shock.

He finally understood why this Adakrys man could subdue him because…

“Why can you use the power of the Disc!?”

Could it be that this Adakrys man was actually a lost prince?

Unfortunately, Garde didn’t give the Sand Guard a chance to voice his guess. The Ascension Power filled the Sand Guard’s body, tearing him apart.

The Sand Guard’s strength lay in his nearly immortal body. Once subdued, losing his most powerful trait, his fate was sealed.


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