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Chapter 32: Kensuke, Unleash Your Dirty Tricks!

"For the defense's response to the prosecution's request, please state your opinion, defense counsel!"

The process remained unchanged. After the prosecutor finished reading the indictment, it was the defense's turn to present their views.

This involved whether to admit guilt, opinions on specific charges, and any points for negotiation.

"I do not agree with the prosecution's request. My client is absolutely innocent!"

Kensuke stood up and declared loudly.

As expected, the defendant denied the charges!

Reiko frowned. Kensuke would undoubtedly mount a defense of innocence. She knew this guy very well; in his world of criminal cases, there were only two options: guilty or not guilty. There was no room for negotiation on the existence of a crime.

‘Alright, unleash your dirty tricks. Let's see how I can tear apart your tactics!’

Next was the stage of presenting evidence from both sides.

"These are the communication records, such as emails and letters, between the defendant and the victim during their relationship."

Reiko spread out a large stack of documents, one by one, on the whiteboard set up in the courtroom.

"In the letters sent by the defendant to the victim, each one contains phrases like 'do not disturb me again, or I'll kill you.' Based on the emotional entanglement between the defendant and the victim, we can conclude that the defendant had sufficient motive to commit murder!"

The case's cause and effect were quite simple. The defendant and the deceased were in a romantic relationship for over a decade. However, each time the defendant proposed, the victim refused. In the end, disappointed, the defendant went on arranged dates and decided to get married. The victim, harboring resentment, continuously harassed the defendant through threatening letters, calls, and various means. Unable to bear it any longer, the defendant planned a murder during a university alumni gathering.

The prosecution, including the evidence, had already investigated it thoroughly.

This trial had a high chance of success.

As long as Kensuke didn't cause trouble...

Yes, as long as this guy didn't cause trouble!

Reiko took a deep breath, shot a fierce glare at Kensuke, and tried to push aside the physiological annoyance brought on by her period, presenting a confident demeanor.

Kensuke shrugged, still wearing his composed smile.

On the judge's side, the three judges and six jurors examined the authenticity of the documents presented by Reiko, nodding in agreement.

"What are the defense counsel's thoughts?"

"Firstly, I disagree with the prosecution's evidence regarding the motive to kill, or rather, this can't be considered evidence at all! If the prosecution thinks that what they've presented can be considered a motive to kill, then motives for murder would be countless."

Kensuke smiled.

He took out a folder from the desk, flipping through several photos and directly covering the letters and documents presented by Reiko with magnets.

"These are photos of the deceased's previous boyfriends."

On the dozen or so photos, all of them were young men in their twenties, each with various styles, including Japanese, Korean, and other trends.

"How is that possible! Yumi, how could she have so many boyfriends!"

In the defendant's seat, Nakamichi Kazushi exclaimed in shock.

Kensuke glanced at him. "Nonsense. Why do you think she kept stringing you along for over a decade without marrying you? Of course, she wanted to keep playing around."


Kazushi gritted his teeth, unable to say a word.

However, no one in the courtroom paid attention to his thoughts.

Kensuke continued to present a stack of evidence, pointing at the people in the photos while speaking.

"This is Yamada from the Hidechi Cattle Ranch. The deceased owed him over a hundred thousand, and Yamada used phone calls and letters to threaten her. Here is Urashima from Hashimoto Loan Company, along with the bills from his shop. The victim owed him over a hundred thousand in high-interest loans, and she was forced to repay with her body. This is Serizawa from Suzuki High School..."

As Kensuke listed one by one, Reiko frowned slightly. However, her eyes lit up, and she decisively stood up.


"These involve the privacy of others. Defense counsel, did you obtain the consent of these individuals during your investigation? Without it, it's illegal evidence! Moreover, how can you prove that these aren't forged?"

Yes, this was Kensuke's dirty trick!

He always liked to obtain evidence illegally and manipulate it. This time was surely no exception.

Before coming, Reiko had simulated countless times how to handle such a situation. She had imagined various ways Kensuke might attack, and she had prepared numerous countermeasures.

As long as she identified the weak points, she wouldn't fear the opponent's offensive!

However, Kensuke's next words shattered her expectations.

"These pieces of evidence are genuine. You can call and verify. I obtained the consent of these people in advance."

Kensuke winked at Reiko.

She saw him repeat the action of drinking hot water, wearing that annoyingly punchable smile on his face.


Reiko felt an intense hatred, itching to charge up and give him a beating.

Can't rush it, can't rush it!

She struggled to suppress the urge, giving herself a pat on the back.

However, Kensuke's actions left her puzzled; it didn't align with his usual behavior. Regardless, concerning the motive for the accused's murder, due to Kensuke's additional evidence, the legitimacy of the prosecution's evidence had been weakened, making it temporarily inconclusive. She had no choice but to let it go for now.

Next, the prosecution needed to present additional evidence.

"I request the summoning of witnesses!"

Reiko applied to the judge.

Soon, four witnesses stepped onto the witness stand in the courtroom. They were all university classmates of Kazushi, including a married couple, a short and chubby man, and Mouri Kogoro.

"Kazushi, you should file an appeal."

Mouri Kogoro looked at Kazushi on the defendant's seat, disappointment in his eyes.

Nakamichi fell silent for a moment before saying, "Kogoro, do you really want me to go to jail?"

"Not to jail, but to atone for your sins inside." Kogoro shook his head.

"Is there a difference between the two?" Kazushi looked into his eyes. "Kogoro, do you know what going to jail means for a person?"

"So, what does murder mean for a person?"

Kogoro didn't back down, maintaining eye contact.

"That woman has done so many damn things outside..."


Kazushi wanted to say more, but suddenly, a stern voice came from the side.

It was Kensuke speaking. He had a serious expression on his face.

"What do you think this sacred courtroom is? We're still in the middle of the trial. If you want to chat about brotherly love, do it after we leave the courtroom!"

The two looked at each other and immediately closed their mouths.


Something's not right!

Reiko frowned, watching Kensuke with that seemingly sincere expression.

Since a while ago, she had felt that something was off.

Although his attitude was still detestable, and he was provoking her with those gestures, his behavior in the courtroom seemed normal.

How should she put it?

He looked like a "normal lawyer."

What on earth was going on?


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