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Volume 1 Chapter 11: The Essence of Schrödinger's flirt

Shen Cangye remembered that when he just took out his phone to take a picture, he noticed there was a message, but he didn’t specifically open it to look.

He really wanted to slap himself for this stupid decision.

Platinum sat up, tidied her hair and clothes, and said, "Hello."

"Hello!” “Hello!" the two interns said in unison.

The atmosphere became even more awkward.

Shen Cangye found the book "Burn Treatment" on the bookshelf, handed it to Dominic, and casually asked, "Do you want to stay for lunch?"

Inviting someone to stay for a meal in Yan was equivalent to saying, "When are you leaving?"

It was a polite way to see a guest off.

If both parties were from Yan, the host would make a fake gesture of urging the guest to stay, and the guest would naturally decline politely with a smile.

No hurt feelings, everyone in harmony.

But Shen Cangye forgot, the two people in front of him were from Casimir, where being straightforward is the norm.


The response from the two interns almost made Shen Cangye trip over his own feet.

Shen Cangye had cooked lunch and dinner together, so there was barely enough food.

Although the awkward atmosphere of four people sitting at the table was enough to fill them all up.

It was so awkward that the friction between the awkwardness and awkwardness practically sparked a fire, awkward to the point of explosion.

When the conversation turned to Yan’s food, the atmosphere slightly improved.

After all, eating is the ultimate pursuit of humanity.

However, Platinum didn’t talk much. She was far less lively and cute than she usually was when it was just the two of them, lazily eating the food Shen Cangye had put on her plate.

"Um..." Charell, still holding onto a sliver of hopeful fantasy, put down his knife and fork and asked, "Dr. Shen and Miss Platinum are...?"

Shen Cangye glanced at Platinum, "She eats my food and drinks my drinks—"

"Oh," Charell responded, feeling slightly relieved. So they were just meal companions?

Platinum interrupted Shen Cangye, "What are you talking about? Didn’t I pay you as you asked? Are you still not satisfied?"

"You barely give any, and the matter of whatever you would give it depends upon your mood every time! It’s never enough to cover my daily expenses, okay?"

"Hah, so this is your reason for secretly taking my photos and threatening to sell them to others?" Platinum retorted.

Demanding money?

Secretly taking photos?

Threatening to sell the photos?

What kind of outrageous, scandalous words were these!

The young doctors had already imagined a complicated and messy relationship involving dissatisfaction with remuneration and secret photos taken as blackmail.

At that moment, tears filled Charell’s eyes.

"Hey, you’re blaming me now? You agreed to it, didn’t you?" Shen Cangye glared at Platinum.

"I said I could agree to your requests within the bounds of morality!"

The two interns' gazes became even more horrified.

Could it be that something unethical happened in this small room?

"I never asked you to do anything outrageous!"

The little Pegasus sneered, "Oh please, who would agree to such a shameful request?"


The meat Dominic had picked up with his fork fell onto his plate.


Charell's dinner knife cut his plate in half.

"If there's any shame, it's on me. My clinic was turned upside down by you!" Shen Cangye glared angrily, "You were the one who disrupted my work first!"

"It doesn't matter. If you're willing, you're welcome to come work with me. After all, while most of my work is boring I wouldn’t be as mean as a certain man, trying to drive others away in a malicious manner."

Ha, indeed.

Most of the time, an assassin is probably lying on a rooftop observing their target.

Shen Cangye tugged at the corner of his mouth, "Not interested, thanks."

"Miss Platinum, pardon me..." Dominic finally couldn't contain his curiosity, "What line of work are you in?"

"She sent people off, she work in the funeral industry," Shen Cangye said irritably.

And then he felt a sharp pain under the table as the Kuranta's girl stepped on him.


Platinum faithfully stays true to her words and comes over to his place and mooch food every few days.

Shen Cangye could almost "accidentally" run into this diligent Assassin on his way home every day.

After being reprimanded by Shen Cangye once, Platinum really never climbed through Shen Cangye's apartment window again.

Sometimes, when Shen Cangye worked overtime, Platinum would sit outside the main gate of Opole Medical Center–the place where he works– and stare at the clouds in the sky.

The little Pegasus appeared so frequently, so much so that when Platinum told Shen Cangye that she had a mission and wouldn't be able to come for six or seven days, Shen Cangye was momentarily taken aback.

On a warm afternoon, Shen Cangye was sitting on the sofa playing with his phone.

After washing the dishes, Platinum also sat on the sofa and leaned against his shoulder.

The fur on the Kuranta's girl ears tickled Shen Cangye's neck a bit.

"Little doctor, my job has come, I have to leave tomorrow," Platinum said. "I’m going to another district of the Four Cities Union, very far away, and I won't see you for about a week–Ugh, it's going to be so boring without eating your cooking!"

"Huh?" Shen Cangye was stunned.

Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I’ve already bought the groceries.

Platinum's voice was filled with playful laughter, "What? Are you so surprised to know you won’t see me for six or seven days?"

"It's quite unexpected," Shen Cangye admitted.

Platinum's frequent visits had made him used to buying groceries for two every day.

How is he supposed to eat food meant for two people by himself?

Miss Assassin, if the food goes bad, will you pay for it?

"How about I make you a bento?" Shen Cangye suggested.

He might as well use up some of the extra groceries.

"Wow, really? You’re the best! The best housekeeper in the world! Can you be my housekeeper for another year?" Platinum cheered up, "It’s a promise! You’ll make me a bento! You can’t go back on your word!"

As she spoke, her tail wagged happily from side to side.

"Hey, do you know Schrödinger?" Shen Cangye asked.

"What’s that? I don’t know."

"Schrödinger was a scientist. To explain the concept of quantum mechanics and probability, he used an example. Imagine you have a box, and inside the box is a cat..."

Whether it's Terra or Earth, the laws of probability still apply.

With a serious expression, Shen Cangye explained the theories of quantum mechanics and probability to Platinum.

Platinum listened, completely lost, "But, what does this have to do with anything?"

"Because lonely scientists, building on this theory, developed something called the 'Schrödinger's flirt'—basically, it’s about creating a sense of mystery for the girl."

"Uh? How do you do that?"

Shen Cangye extended his index finger, "For example, if I decided to pursue you..."

Platinum’s ears perked up suddenly, "Really?"

"That's not the point, I’m just giving an example."

"Oh..." Her white ears drooped back down.

Shen Cangye continued, "I decide to pursue you by bringing you meals. Every day, I’ll flip a coin and let the great random probability decide whether or not I bring you food. Every day, you'll be agonizing over whether or not I’ll bring you food, gradually becoming more invested..."

"Wouldn't that mean I'd be full one day and starving the next?"

"That’s not my fault; it’s the fault of the great probability," Shen Cangye said seriously. "When you suddenly told me you wouldn’t be coming, I thought of this theory."

Platinum burst out laughing.

She turned around, kneeling on the sofa, placing her hands on the backrest, and gave Shen Cangye a sofa "kabedon."


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