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Chapter 28: Once

In the presented evidence, Kensuke only read a few lines before stopping.

"Terabayashi-san, these are entries from your blog space. It seems that your attitude towards our defendant is not as harmonious as one might imagine."

Shoji's face turned crimson, and after a long while, he managed to utter a sentence.

"You— casually browsing through my blog, that's an invasion of my privacy!"

"Invasion of privacy? Terabayashi-san, if I remember correctly, your blog is not being listed as private in the setting, it means that it's open to the public, isn't it?" Kensuke looked at him with a smirk.

"May I ask, if I go to a public restroom and see someone excreting, does that not count as invading their privacy?"

"You!" Shoji's face alternated between red and white.

This person's words were so venomous; he actually compared his blog to a public restroom!

"I just occasionally vent in my blog..."

His voice grew smaller and smaller.

He wanted to find reasons to refute, but he couldn't find words to say because the evidence presented by the other side was not illegal.

Kensuke turned to the judge with a smile.

"It's quite clear; this officer has harbored resentment against our defendant for a long time. So, during the interrogation, he resorted to using excessive force, engaging in violent law enforcement! And these media reports, these photos, are the evidence!"

As Kensuke spoke, he unfolded a large stack of pre-cut newspapers, displaying them for everyone in the room to see.

The judge and jurors nodded slightly.

In fact, even before the trial, before the judgment, the prosecution had already lost favor in their eyes.

Where there's smoke, there's fire.

What is the media? The media is what leads people by the nose.

Humans are subjective and emotional, easily influenced by exaggerated statements.

On the other side, seeing the situation turning against them, the prosecutor immediately stood up.


The judge glanced at him and said, "Then, please express the prosecution's viewpoint!"

"This is Terabayashi-san's attendance record from last year until now, along with his performance evaluation. Additionally, there are records of cases he participated in."

The prosecutor presented a pile of documents, showcasing them for everyone to see.

"It can be seen that this officer has always been diligent, never late or leaving early! There has never been a failed performance evaluation! He has always been serious and responsible in every arrest he participated in! How could such a good police officer commit the illegal actions claimed by the defense counsel?"

The judge and jurors confirmed the information provided by the prosecutor.

Indeed, the situation was just as he described.

This detective from Chiba County, at least in terms of work, was very responsible, consistently fulfilling his duties as a police officer.

Kensuke squinted his eyes.

It seems the other side made some preparations.

However, it was just a desperate struggle.

From the moment Kensuke laid eyes on Shoji, he knew this person was introverted and didn't communicate much with others.

These kinds of people were easy to deal with.

So, Kensuke turned to the side, smiling as he looked at Shoji's face.

"Since you don't admit to conducting violent interrogations, then please, can you look into the eyes of our defendant and honestly say the words 'I haven't done it'?"

Kensuke suddenly intensified his tone.

"Just touch the police manual you carry, touch your police badge, feel the warmth of it close to your beating heart, and say those words!"

Kensuke's questioning voice was extremely firm.

Shoji shivered all over, tremblingly lifted his head, and looked into the eyes of Nakamichi Kazushi.

Nakamichi Kazushi remained silent, staring back at him.

"I, I haven't, haven't done..."

Shoji's voice quivered, squeezing out each word.

However, when it came to the last word, he couldn't bear it anymore.

With a thud, this chubby policeman's knees went weak, and he knelt down.

"Because of how Kazuhi usually treated me, I thought since he had already broken the law, I might as well— I swear I only did it once! From my ten-plus years as a police officer until now, just this once! Waaah!"

Tears poured down like rain, his inner self collapsing.

A big man at this moment, like a lost chick, cried bitterly in the courtroom.

However, Kensuke seemed unwilling to let him off so easily.

"Once? How many times do you want? The law is unforgiving, once is enough! When you were doing these things, did you ever think about the police badge on your chest? Did you ever think about the oaths you made facing the police manual?"

"Do you know? Because of your one time, other police officers have also joined the ranks of violent interrogations! Look at the injuries on our defendant; they were all caused by people like you! Using the name of justice, you so-called righteous police!"

"Justice is not a tool for abusing private punishment, nor is it an excuse to stand on a moral high ground!"

The courtroom fell into a dead silence, and you could almost hear a pin drop.

Only the sobbing voice filled with remorse from Shoji echoed in the spacious hall.


The result of the post-trial was self-evident.

The judge and the jury didn't hesitate, nor did they discuss; they immediately pounded the gavel, ruling in favor of Kensuke's side.

No suspense, it was a completely overwhelming situation.

"You really don't show any mercy at all."

Ai Haibara looked at Shoji, who walked out of the courtroom with a lost and dejected expression.

After this incident, this policeman had no way to continue in this profession. The only options awaiting him were resignation or dismissal.

"Is this really okay? At least, this police officer usually did his job responsibly; he just made a mistake this one time."

Kensuke raised an eyebrow, "What's this? Are you starting to overflow with sympathy again? Didn't you hear what I said in court?"

Haibara narrowed her eyes, "Oh, those grandiose things? I thought they were all made up by you, just lies, right?"

Kensuke looked at her, ".....You think I’m lying?"

"OF course, are you saying that all those word you said come from your heart?”

Haibara tilted her head and asked.

Kensuke shrugged, noncommittal.

"But, whether it's the truth or lies, it doesn't matter. Anyway, our goal has been achieved."

Haibara said indifferently, "In this world, true and false can turn into each other. The result remains unchanged."

"Alright, you're just a child; don't keep saying such profound and mysterious things."

Kensuke patted her head and then walked towards the exit of the courtroom.

"Come with me."

"What for?"

"What else? To meet our client."

"Why? Shouldn't we be preparing for the second trial now?"

"Don't you see? Something was off with him just now."


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