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Chapter 24: Stupid

"You're such a heartless lawyer!"

As soon as he heard that complaining would cost extra, Kazushi couldn't help but angrily curse.

He struggled with his expression, hesitating for a moment.

"How much per minute?"


"So expensive! It’s practically a daylight robbery!"

Kazushi exclaimed.

Kensuke maintained his indifferent attitude.

"No money, then keep quiet."


Kazushi reluctantly sat down.

Since this case, few people understood him. His classmates didn't understand, Kogoro Mouri didn't understand, and the judicial police didn't understand even more.

He just wanted to vent and find someone who could understand him. Finally, a lawyer came, but the other party didn't give him that opportunity.

"Tell me about your situation at that time."

Kensuke didn't care about the other's thoughts, just said as a matter of routine.


The bald man grumbled, showing that he was in a bad mood.

As he narrated, Kensuke gradually understood the cause and effect of the situation.

"Alright, is that all for the situation at that time?"

Kensuke casually took the notebook recorded by Ai.

The handwriting on the notebook was elegant, neat, and powerful, like a stream of characters, pleasing to the eye.

"Your writing is not bad; it wasn't in vain to raise you."

Kensuke casually praised Ai, who rolled her eyes.

Kazushi's description seemed to differ significantly from the fragmented memories of the anime. That was because he wasn't the real culprit.

He didn't intend to commit murder at that time. The gun was brought by the other party and came from the gun dropped by Kogoro Mouri when he caught a thief. It was coincidentally discovered by the victim, Horikoshi Yumi, and brought to the hot spring inn.

The victim extended her arm, threatened Kazushi with the gun, saying that if he didn't meet her conditions, she would kill him and then commit suicide.

Kazushi wanted to stop her. However, in her panic, the gun accidentally turned towards herself, intimidating her. Inadvertently, she actually fired the gun and died on the spot.

Kazushi was a little panicked at the time because this situation could easily be mistaken for him killing her. After all, he had touched the gun, and his fingerprints were on it.

Helplessly, he disguised the scene.

However, due to the recent movement between him and the victim, the solidification of muscle proteins accelerated. This caused others at the scene to misjudge the time of death, making it look like it was arranged by the culprit.

As a result, Kogoro Mouri misunderstood the truth (with a bit of Conan's hint) and accused him as the culprit.

And Kazushi, at that time, was mentally broken, giving up on himself and confessing to the crime.

"So, in the end, there is actually no concrete evidence. It's just that after setting up the scene, you inadvertently let slip a word, and when someone pointed it out, you simply confessed? Even if you didn't actually do it?"

After summarizing the events, Kensuke sighed and looked at the bald man with an expression of looking like an idiot.

"Really, Is there anyone more foolish under the sun than you?"

"Don't say that. Only with people like him can lawyers avoid starving." Ai said from the side.

Kensuke nodded. "That's true."

Kazushi can only look at the two in shock.

His face turned red and white, and he wanted to explode in anger.

But in the end, this anger turned into a sigh. He sat down, holding his head, looking quite remorseful.

At that time, he confessed impulsively, never expecting it would become so troublesome afterward.

After a long time, he finally raised his head.

"Speak, can you help me get a lighter sentence?"

"I can get you acquitted," Kensuke said casually. "Of course, you might be convicted of insulting a corpse afterward, but that punishment is almost negligible."

"Don't lie!" Kazushi didn't believe it at all. "Right now, all four of my classmates are pointing at me. Mouri said my crime method was verified by the Metropolitan Police, and there's also the gun. These are all evidence!"

"I'm not lying to you, but I don't need to say much to you."

Kensuke shook his head, handed the notebook back to Ai, nodded at her, indicating to continue taking notes.

"Now I have two crucial questions to ask you."

"What questions?" Kazushi asked.

"First, did any of the other three classmates who identified you directly participate in Kogoro Mouri's reasoning?"

"No, they were just listening at the time. What's the point of this?"

"Just answer yes or no."


"Second, during your relationship with the deceased Horikoshi Yumi, did she say anything negative, like wanting to die?"

"Yes, she said that at a previous class reunion."

"I mean, during your relationship."

"Uh, yeah, that seems to be the case."

"Did she leave any corresponding documentary evidence? Such as diaries, emails, and the like?"

"Yeah, she sent me many faxes, threatening that if I married someone else, she would commit suicide and such."

"Good. Later, give me the key to your house."

With Kensuke's continuous questions, looking at his serious expression.

For some reason, Kazushi suddenly had a strange feeling.

It seemed that this lawyer could really help him be acquitted.

Kazushi touched his bald head, expressing doubt.

But no matter what, at the moment, the only person he could trust was the guy in front of him, the annoying lawyer who had been mocking him.

After confirming the information recorded by Ai, Kensuke planned to say goodbye.

As he was leaving, he glanced at Kazushi's arm by chance.

There seemed to be some bruise-like marks on it.

Although the marks were almost fading, the previous injuries could still be vaguely seen.

"What happened to your arm?"

"Are you talking about this? The police interrogating me did this!"

No sooner said than done. As soon as it was said, Kazushi exploded like a powder keg.

"Darn it, those jerks! They thought I brought shame to the police, so during the interrogation, they beat me up and used violence on me! Clearly, they're just a bunch of self-righteous bastards..."

"Idiot! Why didn't you mention such important information earlier?"

Kensuke slapped the table, impatiently interrupting his words, and his tone even carried a hint of inexplicable excitement.

"Why? Is there any use in saying it now?" The bald man blinked.

Kensuke's lips curled slightly, smiling strangely.

"This is important evidence!"

He took out his smartphone and took a bunch of photos of Kazushi's whole body, including his arm.

"Enjoy your remaining time in prison!"

Leaving behind these words, Kensuke got up and left with Ai.

In the meeting room, Kazushi was left in confusion, touching his head, staring at the backs of the two.


Exiting the main gate of the detention center.

The two didn't stop and headed towards Kazushi's home.

"Are you planning to make an issue of the police violently interrogating a suspect?"

On the way, Ai, who rarely spoke, spoke indifferently.

"Oh~ You are smart."

While walking, Kensuke said.

"This is evidence delivered to our doorstep. We shouldn't waste it. Thanks to these ‘righteous’ police, our chances of winning in the retrial have increased a lot."

Ai stopped at this moment.

"I have a question for you."

She raised her head, her sapphire-like eyes looking at Kensuke with a slight doubt.

"I know what you want to do. You probably want to accuse those police officers of violently interrogating suspects in court to challenge the legality of the confessions they obtained. This way, the police will be in a passive position."

"That’s right."

Kensuke also stopped, looking into Ai's eyes.

The intelligence of this girl exceeded his imagination, far stronger than what was portrayed in the anime. In the anime, she was just a side character that followed Conan along.

To be honest, having her as his assistant was a bit surprising.

"So what? What do you want to ask?"


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