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Chapter 33: Twisted Motto

A bad feeling arose in Zhou Yi's heart.

From their brief encounter, she realized that Huo Yuhao was eloquent and she couldn't match him in debate.

But Zhou Yi still said, "Those who dare not to cause trouble are the epitome of mediocrity, it’s a motto that our Shrek Academy has had since its founding, which has been passed down for ten thousand years. Do you disagree with it?"

Huo Yuhao replied coldly, "Even if it’s passed down for millions of years, nonsense is still nonsense. When did being honest and upright become deserving of contempt?"

"Young people should have vigor," Zhou Yi said vaguely, changing the subject. "Besides, didn't you also fight with Wang Dong?"

"Our fight happened because I was defending my dignity and right. Can that be equated with causing trouble?" Huo Yuhao found it somewhat amusing and asked in return.

"If one day you are eating peacefully on the street, and suddenly a group of people come to curse you and overturn your table, not only do you get scolded, you can't finish your meal, and you're laughed at by a group of people, do you think that's fun?"

"Evil Spirit Masters also cause trouble every day. So what? Do you think all of those city destroying Evil Spirit Masters are geniuses worthy of praise? Those Spirit Masters who follow the rules and protect the weak are mediocres?"

Zhou Yi's face changed color, and she hastily said, "Stop talking!"

She waved her hand towards Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong, "Go for a run, with the same requirement as them, one hundred laps. It's already been half a quarter since the time started."

"Huh? Do we have to run too?" Wang Dong stood dumbfounded in place, but Huo Yuhao had already dashed out.

"Hey, wait for me!" Wang Dong hurried to catch up, joining the running group.

Zhou Yi walked out of the teaching building with an uncertain expression, watching Huo Yuhao.

Evil Spirit Masters was a very sensitive topic. Receiving such a big accusation of supporting Evil Spirit Masters, she didn't know how to refute it.

She, who was always known for her strictness, was powerless against Huo Yuhao's sharp words.

On the playground, other students saw that the two were scolded by Teacher Zhou Yi before starting to run, feeling a bit of schadenfreude.

But Huo Yuhao ignored them. His speed was fast, surpassing all the students running ahead of him.

When he reached the front of the line, he asked the student leading the group, "How many laps have you done?"

The leading student struggled to maintain his breath and replied, "Three laps."

"I see."

Huo Yuhao nodded and said thanks toward the kid and started accelerating forcefully, running to the front amidst the surprised gazes of all the students. He ran from the front to the back of the line at an absurd speed, then back to the front again, and repeated this twice with the majority of the group. Only after two laps did Huo Yuhao slow down his speed. Once again, he became the leader of the pack.

"That monster— Hah — How can a kid — Fuh — run that fast?" remarked a student with poor stamina.

Some students waited to see him fail, saying, "That idiot, in a long marathon like this, starting with a sprint is a bad move, let's see how long he can keep it up."

At that moment, Huo Yuhao heard a voice beside him, "You have good stamina! You're actually keeping up with me!"

Huo Yuhao turned to see Wang Dong, who had been following him closely the whole time. At that moment, both of them were leading the pack.

Huo Yuhao chuckled and said, "You're clearly following me, so don't flatter yourself."

"Hmph, want to see who finishes a hundred laps first?" Wang Dong's competitive spirit was aroused.

"Sure, don't cry if you lose," Huo Yuhao smiled and slightly increased his speed.

Wang Dong, unwilling to show weakness, also sped up and kept pace with Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao didn't try to shake him off; he just maintained a relatively high speed at the front.

The process of running was not only tiring and hot but also boring.

The track was 400 meters per lap, making a hundred laps equivalent to 40 kilometers, almost the distance of a full marathon. Requiring all students to complete it within an hour was still a challenging task, even though they were Spirit Masters with physical abilities surpassing ordinary people.

During this hour, they endured both psychological and physical torment.

The monotonous mechanical movement made everyone extremely bored.

However, one person was an exception: Huo Yuhao.

Despite running non stop, he could still chat with Tian Meng in his mind to pass the time, all without affecting his breathing rhythm or energy consumption.

(Yuhao… were you angry just now?) Tian Meng asked softly.

(Hmm? How did you know?) Huo Yuhao felt a bit puzzled.

(Every time you're angry, you have that icy-cold look, and... ) Tian Meng explained.

(When you're angry, dark clouds cover your spiritual sea, it's so scary…)

Huo Yuhao was somewhat surprised.

Could his mood actually affect the appearance of his spiritual sea?

(Sorry about that, in the future, I think this kind of thing will happen quite a lot. Encountering disgusting things like that can make it hard for me to control my emotions.)

Huo Yuhao couldn't understand.

Those who dare not to cause trouble are the epitome of mediocrity?

What kind of twisted logic is that!

Does that mean the people who are honest and upright, never causing trouble, and are law abiding could only end up being harassed by the bad people and endure criticism about their ‘mediocrity’?

In what world does causing trouble to others who are undeserving worthy of praise?

Shrek Academy, the so-called best academy in the continent actually dares to make such twisted logic its motto?!

It’s so far off with the various motto of the Academies in his past life!

Those Academies focused on the importance of self-improvement, in both mental capabilities and physical activities alike, encouraging the act of diligence, praised the act of braveness from protecting the incapable, rewarding those who seek the truth and supported their community, the efficiency of working together on same objective and the reminder of how hard work can shorten the gap of everybody.

Such beautiful and positive words are the only ones worthy of being a motto, but Shrek Academy's motto has nothing to do with these noble virtues! 

He couldn't help but feel a hint of disgust towards this so-called number one academy on the continent.

The motto of a school reflects its style, and Shrek Academy's motto is such twisted logic that it cannot win his approval.

Unconsciously, the hundred new students running had been divided into four groups.

At the back were a dozen or so slower students with weaker physical fitness, falling behind many laps.

Then there was a large group of about seventy people with moderate speed, having no problem completing a hundred laps within the designated time.

Ahead of them was a team of about a dozen leading runners with good physical fitness, maintaining a relatively fast speed.

And at the very front were only two people: Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao.

They had already run over ninety laps, yet their energy still seemed abundant, and their speed not only did not decrease but was even gradually increasing.

With only one lap left, Zhou Yi's figure suddenly appeared at the finish line, shouting, "Speed up and charge towards me!"

"I'm going to accelerate now. Wan Dong, just stay behind and watch my back for me would you?” Huo Yuhao grinned and increased his speed a bit more, directly leaving Wang Dong behind.

"You!" Wang Dong didn't expect him to accelerate further, gritting his teeth.


He's just a one-ringed Spirit Master, I can't possibly lose to him twice in a row...

A glimmer of light flashed in Wang Dong's beautiful pink-blue eyes.

Suddenly, his feet left the ground, and a pair of gorgeous blue wings unfolded behind him. The wings shimmered with a beautiful halo, like sparkling waves of diamonds on the azure sea.

"The Bright Goddess Butterfly?" Zhou Yi's eyes lit up, recognizing Wang Dong's martial Spirit.

(Bright Goddess Butterfly!) Tian Meng who is in Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea saw Wang Dong's wings and looked excited.

Wang Dong's large wings flapped, accelerating to the extreme, flying towards the finish line.

Wang Dong did his best to catch up with Huo Yuhao, the distance between them getting smaller and smaller, but there was still a slight gap.

Huo Yuhao was only a little over ten meters away from Zhou Yi, about to cross the finish line.

A glimmer of hope rose in Wang Dong's heart.

The distance between him and Huo Yuhao was only a little over ten meters as well. With his high-speed flight, he had a chance to surpass him completely.

Just as Huo Yuhao was about to cross the finish line, he suddenly stopped, turned around, and looked at Wang Dong with a mocking gaze.

Then, with a slight movement, he casually stepped over the finish line in front of Wang Dong.

Wang Dong's body also crossed the line in the air, but Huo Yuhao was faster by half a second.

Wang Dong landed on the ground, his wings drooping, unable to believe he had lost again.

Huo Yuhao snapped his fingers, smiling, "You've lost twice now."


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