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Chapter 8: Your 'basic' doesn't even reach the level of an average person, does it?

"Luo, we should go." Ichinose turned around, excitedly tapping on my wooden desk.

After the school bell rang for the end of the afternoon classes, the atmosphere and energy of the entire class suddenly became lively, as if collectively participating in some group activity. Not only their actions but also the content of Ichinose's words highlighted my 'outsider' status. The second day of school was basically a day for teachers and students to get acquainted with each other, and I didn't remember any other arrangements for the afternoon.

"Where are we going?"

"Didn't you hear the announcement at noon today?"

"...Looks like I didn't. After lunch today, I didn't go straight back to the classroom. I took a little stroll, probably walked into an area the broadcast didn't cover. Can you tell me what the announcement was about?"

"In simple terms, there will be a club orientation meeting at the first gym at 5 p.m. today."

"A club orientation meeting..." After hearing this term, I felt a bit excited, but considering the situation, I decided to give a refusal on the surface. It might drag me into some other events.

"Aren't you planning to go?" Ichinose asked again.

"I won't. I probably won't join any clubs anyway. I might as well go back to the dormitory with that time."

"Since you have nothing else to do, it's better to go and learn something. Hoshinomiya-sensei said that those who excel in clubs can get extra point rewards."

"It's finally come to this. I must join the soccer club!" Shibata stood up passionately from his seat, then ran enthusiastically towards the gym with others.

So energetic.

"I'm not really driven by money, and I have plans with Kanzaki."

"Hmm? Plans with Kanzaki?" Ichinose turned her head to my neighboring seat, showing interest in our conversation.

"Yes, I have dinner plans with Luo Mu— But before that, I want to attend the club orientation."


"In that case, you should come along, too, Luo. It's all for the best." Ichinose gave me a playful glance before running off with a group of girls.


Under various destructive forces, I was forced to follow Kanzaki to the first gym. I thought there wouldn't be many people attending the club orientation, but when I arrived, I found there were more people than I had imagined.

I didn't understand the mentality of those students who wanted to enrich their extracurricular lives. Although I wasn't strictly an advocate of conservation, I would definitely avoid getting involved in such troublesome matters.

Kanzaki and I found a seat towards the back of the gym. As we waited for the orientation to begin, we read through the brochure handed out when we entered the gym.

"Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber..." Kanzaki muttered in disbelief.

A hyperbaric oxygen chamber? I remembered that was a medical device used in modern medicine. Did this school also include clinical trials in its curriculum?

I flipped to the page Kanzaki was looking at, which mainly introduced the track and field team. After carefully reading through the content, I was surprised to find it was about basic medical treatment equipment. What? This was basic treatment, not just first aid?

I struggled to suppress the shock in my heart and continued to read about the clubs in the brochure. The images and descriptions provided made us realize that this school indeed had achievements in this area. The club equipment was far more abundant than schools of the same level, even rivaling professional standards. It was not an exaggeration to say that world-class competitions could be held here.

"Does Kanzaki have thoughts of joining a club?"

"Yeah," he nodded, "I originally had thoughts of joining a club, but it doesn't seem possible now."

"Is it because of their professionalism?"

"Yeah." Kanzaki nodded with some disbelief. "You can tell from this brochure alone that they are not playing around. I wanted to join a club purely because it looks interesting, but it seems that the clubs at this school aren't so welcoming to those who don't plan to go all out.”

"Indeed, it feels like all of the club is heading towards a professional direction."

"Pretty much... Do you have any club in mind?"

"None at all. Even if there were leisure clubs like the Going Home Club, I wouldn't join. I prefer to live in peace rather than engaging in meaningless labor, probably." I wasn't even sure about that statement myself.

"It seems like you haven't participated in any clubs before."

"Aren't you the same?"

I still held onto the belief that you and I were similar, but it seems I got it wrong.

"Don't confuse me with you. I did join the track and field team back in junior high, although I wasn't a star player— But I guess things like exercise are out of your league."

"I do engage in basic exercise." Although I didn't know what aspect of me gave him that impression, I still tried my best to salvage my image.

"Considering your personality, I think even your 'basic' is below the standard of an average person."

"Even though we've only known each other for less than two days, how did you judge my daily habits based on my personality? If you can, please be a bit gentler with your judgments; my inner self might be wounded."

"I'm just stating the facts. It's difficult to hide your habits from others when you wear them on your face." With that, Kanzaki gave me a mocking glance.

"...Wow, people are terrifying nowadays. Their cognitive abilities are too advanced."

Just as I was about to retort to Kanzaki, a female voice came from the side of the stage, echoing through the gymnasium via the speakers.

"First-year students, please quiet down. We will now begin the club orientation. I'm Tachibana, the secretary of the student council, and I'll be the host for this orientation. Nice to meet you all."

And so it began.

After Tachibana finished her greeting, the representatives of the clubs lined up on the stage of the gymnasium. The club representatives were of all types. From the strong-looking seniors in judo uniforms to the senior girls in beautiful kimonos.

"Can boys join the dance club?"

"Of course, they can. But I think not many boys would choose to dance now. Nowadays, society generally considers dancing to be an activity for showcasing artistic beauty by women, so men might not feel comfortable psychologically. In all aspects..." As I said this, Kanzaki's gaze followed towards the senior girl dressed in dance attire.

"Do you want to join the dance club just to watch the senior girls dance?"

"Please don't think of me so lecherously. I'm just purely curious."

Although I had seen several male dancers before, I didn't see any male members on the large stage.

"I know, your thoughts probably wouldn't even reach that point."

"If you can, I hope you can refute what you just said a bit."

Kanzaki ignored my comment and focused on the female student on stage, who began introducing the club.

"I'm Maho Kizuragi, the leader of the dance club. I have won national championships several times, so please don't worry about our coaching abilities. Of course, we prefer joyful dancing with everyone rather than rigorous training. We welcome beginner students, so please join our club."

It was a speech without substance, and I assumed the following introductions would be similar. Welcoming beginners to join was probably just for the points. They would use the students, charge them club fees, make them realize their own inadequacies, and then kick them out as a matter of course.

Human nature is truly sinister.

I listened boredly as the senior students repeated the times and locations of the club activities, as well as their charismatic introductions. The calligraphy and tea ceremony forced me to feign interest, but apart from that, there was nothing special.

The more club introductions there were, the more noisy the environment became.

I couldn't hear the introductions of the clubs anymore.

"Isn't there a teacher here to manage this? If this continues, we won't be able to hear anything," Kanzaki grumbled in my ear, prompting me to take another look at the scene.

The entire gymnasium had descended into a frenzy of excitement. Students were freely discussing various club matters, yet the supervising teachers made no move, and the club representatives on stage continued with their introductions as if nothing was happening.

"It’s really chaotic," Kanzaki complained.

"It seems like everyone has left already, considering we don't plan on joining any clubs."

"Well, let's see it through. After all, we don't have any homework to do today."


Slowly, people started leaving the stage one by one, leaving only one person standing on it. A man. He hadn't spoken throughout the whole orientation, simply observing all of us silently. Even now, he continues to do so.

The man was probably around 170 centimeters tall, with neat black hair on his slender frame. Through his sharp eyes, one could discern a depth of intelligence.

Standing before the microphone, he gazed calmly at us. Some mistook his demeanor for nervousness, prompting some odd remarks from the audience. Though we couldn't hear the exact content, the tone seemed mocking.

However, the senior remained unfazed, just standing there silently. Suddenly, an invisible aura spread, causing the laughter to die down. Anxious and uneasy emotions began to spread through the crowd, making people feel uncomfortable.

Thus, the entire room fell into silence for over thirty seconds.

"I am Horikita Manabu, serving as the president of the student council," his commanding voice slowly echoed throughout the gymnasium.

"We will recruit candidates from the first-year students. Candidates don't need any special qualifications, but if anyone considers running for the student council, please refrain from joining other clubs. In principle, those who wish to join both the student council and other clubs will not be accepted."

Was this for the sake of fairness?

"We, the student council, refuse to accept individuals with naive ideals. Such individuals will only tarnish our school's reputation."

President Horikita's concise words completely extinguished any thoughts of joining the student council for fun. Without entertaining any questions, he left gracefully.

The entire room remained shocked by his presence.

"He's really authoritative," Kanzaki couldn't help but sigh.

"Well, he's the president of the student council. His position is somewhat special."

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work. The orientation ends here. Now we will begin accepting applications for club membership. Additionally, since club applications will continue until the end of April, those who wish to apply again, please bring your application forms directly to the clubs you wish to join. That's all."

After the departure of President Horikita, Secretary Tachibana took control of the situation again, calmly planning out the next steps.

"Do you want to take another look?"

"No need. A simple understanding will do. I don't want to experience such intense 'interest' anyway."

"Then let's go eat."


And so, I reluctantly made my second "friend" in this school.


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