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Volume 2 Chapter 47: Godzilla II (Continued)

By the time Godzilla had brought back all the Titan corpses, it was already dusk.

It placed the corpses on the ground, and as expected, there was a prompt from the panel.

"Side Mission: Tremors of the Earth! (Completed)"

【Mission Reward: Increase the strength of the ecosystem's life by one level, unlocking convergence evolution for you, do you want to use it now?】

"Note: Increasing ecological intensity requires 12 hours. When used, it will immediately induce 12-hour hibernation for all life forms in the ecosystem. Please be aware if any life forms are currently active."

"After hibernation, there will be a basic improvement for 12 hours, and the remaining enhancement will be gradually completed in the next year."

A series of prompts sounded, and Godzilla finally received the reward of increasing the ecological life intensity.

This made it somewhat happy.

However, contrary to what it had expected, the reward for increasing ecological life intensity...

Seemed not to be a one-time evolution, but more like an immediate reward followed by gradual enhancement.

Like a monthly card in human games? Instant rewards upon purchase, followed by continued rewards?

This was somewhat different from what it had imagined.

But it didn't matter; the basic intensity would still increase.

With this, it was satisfied. At least now, its children had the ability to protect themselves.

It would use it tonight.

Using it while the birds were still flying and the beasts were still running would induce forced hibernation, which wouldn't be good.

If used now, there was a possibility of incidents such as falling from the sky and hitting oneself, or suddenly falling asleep and crashing into a tree before braking...

To avoid such tragedies, it was better to wait until nightfall.

Having completed this task, Godzilla had done everything it could before the arrival of Ghidorah's wings in three days. Next, it should prepare for battle.


After nightfall, when the creatures in the forest closed their eyes, a transformation began.

The entire ecosystem affected by Godzilla began emitting a faint white light.

Strange phenomena occurred.

At this moment, all life entered the deepest of reveries, emptying their consciousness and merging with nature.

Then their bodies began to change at an unimaginable speed.

Just like the previous Godzilla during evolution.

However, compared to Godzilla, their changes weren't as drastic.

At least none of them woke up to find themselves seven or eight times larger.

Most of them retained their existing structures, with only a small portion growing entirely new things, such as some small plants sprouting legs.

Mechanical structures were being fine-tuned, adjusting muscle distribution, optimizing bone shapes, eliminating redundant organs... all while the white light bestowed upon them their future forms.

Trees learned how to better utilize their bark under the white light, constructing tougher, more puncture-resistant bark.

At the same time, they learned the optimal distribution of roots when exploring nutrients underground and how to absorb as much energy as possible without burning their leaves while competing for sunlight.

The muscle fibers of animals became more rational, with predators' claws and teeth infused with metals while the crystalline lens of their eyes was adjusted to see farther and higher.

The armor of non-predators became more mechanically structured, with multi-layered armor similar to tank composite armor, making their shells tougher.

Some trees abandoned passivity under the white light; near the surface of tall trees, roots sprouted malicious thorns, and some vines grew basic muscle structures to wield poison spines into the bodies of other creatures.

There were also extremely fine roots with super-strong regenerative abilities, allowing them to penetrate the ground at any time to absorb nutrients, as well as gigantic, entirely new, spherical insects...

Under the white light, everything was evolving, and this ecosystem was becoming more complex.

They were becoming "stronger."

There was strength in physical power, vitality, self-healing, defense...

Everyone was getting stronger.

Stronger under the cover of night.


Compared to the living creatures, the dead ones were the real focus.

Dead lives, decaying lives, lives that had recently been reborn...

Many of them had just arrived in this world only to die again. Some had transformed their forms, hoping to find a new habitat in this new nature.

But at this moment, they were all dead.

The corpses lay in the forest, not enough time in a day to strip away their flesh.

Their eyes stared blankly at this new ecology, leaving one completely clueless about their thoughts before death.

If one were to insist, some of the lifeforms that had transformed their forms in the face of new birth and death felt no regrets.

However, such an absolute statement would be too definitive.

At the moment of death, there were indeed some lifeforms who regretted their transformation.

They thought, it would have been better if they hadn't transformed here, even if the outside world was desolate, at least they could have survived.

Although they lacked a clear sense of self, they did think like this.

These thoughts, these ideas, all existed in this nature.

And today, tonight, under the illumination of the white light.

The wills of the lifeforms that hadn't completely died were absorbed by it, and a common longing emerged from their thoughts.

To continue watching this new world.

The power of the white light manifested, although it did not include resurrecting the lifeforms harboring this thought.

But it included the cells of the dead lifeforms that hadn't completely died, the nerve ganglia still harboring this idea.

Using their not yet dead cells, their thorough nerves, a new life was born.

Convergent evolution, this was also one of the rewards.

So, a miracle occurred.

The corpses that shouldn't have evolved in the forest emitted a faint glow.

The dead bodies rose again, and within a radius of over a hundred kilometers in the ecosystem, countless bodies moved in one direction at this moment.

Thoughts united, bodies merged under the white light, and then, according to the initial setting, they began to converge evolution towards their creator.

Under the moonlight, the second Godzilla was born.

Its eyes were pure white.


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