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carly powell

I am gonna try this sentencing out and I am new at this but here we go: attempted murder (10), Kidnapping(15), torture and sexual mutilation(25), & murder(65). These years are added together with the number of victims. The unsub is sentenced to 115 years in prison.


the way I personally would sentence, is torture= automatically life in prison, maximum security, sexual assault= chemical castration and life in prison, and murder= minimum twenty years, plus however many years the person statistically should have lived if not murdered (so if someone is male and 40 years, and the average male lifespan is 73, it would be 20+33 for a total of 53 years). Because there was torture and sexual assault, he would be in prison for life, no parole, chemically castrated and maximum security

Annamarie schwirian

Okay this is a complicated one Unsub - maximum security for life no chance of parole Sister/Aunt- 6 months in jail for lying to authorities Daughter - She is given a new identity and moved to a completely new area. Plus mandatory counseling for 5 years .