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Kat Fleur

Since Rossi refused the job, Emily was the obvious choice for the position. She already knows what it entails from running the London office. I think if Morgan was still here though, he would have gotten it due to seniority & he stepped in for Hotch in season 5. Although Hotch & Morgan are missed terribly, the show is still worth watching.

Kat Fleur

AJ Cook & Paget B. were both fired in season 5&6. They wanted to bring in younger female characters, hence why Rachel Nichols (Ashley Seaver) was hired. The fans back then rallied together, threw a b1tch fit, then they ended up hiring them back. Paget only agreed to return for season 7 only, cuz she had already secured a comedy gig. So who knows; maybe they can rehire Thomas in the future.


The last time we saw Hotch (at least as of this episode) was when he told JJ he wanted her to take some time off. 🥹